Jul 25, 2003 00:01
the other night me and a couple of buddies were hangin around talkin. our convorsation was of course fueled by specific liquids (take a guess) it was great. talk about a heated convorsation. Our topics seemed to go full circle a couple times and usualy got stuck on Music and Girls. it just seemed that everything said was a valid point, and there was shit tons of these "valid points". unfortunately if you asked me some of these points, i'd prolly be unable to tell you many, or any at all. BUT thats besides the POINT (theres one too many points in this already). The main thing that i remember is the fact that ALL night long, everyone of us seemed to be itchin to say somthin, or to have our say in it. I think that is a key element for a truly good convorsation. its like one person is talking, and the other two have to compete to get the next word in. now understand that there is a lot of interupting and "shut the hell up and let me talk" kinda thing goin on, but its for the good of the convorsation. Sometimes proper etique and the morale of someone must be sacraficed in order to achieve "good convorsation"
A good convorsation consists of many factors.
1) A topic that is known and understood well by all participating talkers.
2) talkers that all have equal levels of wit and insight (not SAME wit and insight, but same amount)
3) Enough difference in personality of each talker to create diverse views and opinions
4) everyones gotta be a smartass to a certain extent, but a tastefull smartass. ya gotta give eachother shit to make it fun, ya know lighten up the convorsaition.
5) beer helps somtimes, but by no means a necessity.
6) being face to face with talkers (that should be a given but with convorsation via internet, you can understand why I'd validate that. very few convorsations online are good ones.)
there is so much more to write about convorsation. I think i might continue this topic on for a while in my journal. Its a great topic to write about becuase, think about it...everything you do in life revolves around convorsation. It is such an interesting thing to think about, and it truly could be thought of as an art. (at least i think so) some people are better at art then others. some people are better at convorsation then others.
ok? got that. leave me a comment with some more factors of a good convorsation. thats an order dammit!
until next time. g'night