When last we saw tiny Ziggy, he hadn't really sprouted his ears yet...
He was mostly belly dot o doom! Well, belly - he was mostly belly!
"Oh hai! Were you looking at my belly? I'm worried my belly makes my ears look small ... I ... I may do something about that."
I love how neatly he fits in the tiny bed
ugotogal made for Dusky. I'm so glad it's getting more kitten use :)
I started letting them out of the bathroom, and into the guest room. Zoraline seems to have an understanding already about lounging on soft beds.
And Ziggy really loves long snoozy cuddles...
Kitty beds are great for sprawling on, too! Zora has such a funny way of leaving her bum leg hanging out there, sometimes.
"Seriously... I think my ears aren't big enough! I'm gonna order some bigger ones on the internet!"
"I'm getting to be a big boy, and I need big ears! Wait 'til you see what I ordered!"
"I saw him with your credit card ... My boy is a bit of a delinquent, sorry about that..."
Stretchy mama cat is stretchy!
Uh oh! Escaping kitten is ... escaping!
Hanging out in the guest room means lots more cuddling! Including Zoraline in her weird sprawling way :)
Even with his new BIG ears, Ziggy still knows how to make excellent JAZZ HANDS!
Power supplies are toasty!
Hey - didn't you see - JAZZ HANDS! I tell you JAZZ HANDS!
Zoraline is so funny dragging herself halfway under things ... All she needs here are some ruby slippers! ;)
It's very tiring being this cute... Ziggy knows how to nap!
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Soft places are the best for naps...
"See how BIG my ears are?!!? I love my new big ears!"
Okay ... this was seriously too funny, and I can't believe I caught this in a pic. We were so pleased - Ziggy raced across the room, into the bathroom, around the back of the toilet, and right into the litter box to do his business! First time he'd made the trek from any distance, and gone in, all on his own.
He did his business, and I had turned away for a moment until I saw Aidon looking in there, and covering his mouth so as not to laugh loudly and startle them. I looked back in, and Zoraline was in the somewhat small box WITH him. I grabbed the camera, and managed to get this shot before realizing ....
"Oh my god ... she has to pee ... she's going to PEE on HIM!"
He got out, but not before she peed on him a bit. I cleaned the poor guy off, sheesh!
I haven't laughed so hard in a while!
(This ALMOST happened again, two weeks later!)
Zoraline is the mistress of *chill*!
This was one of the last times I weighed him - he weaned soon after this. This expression KILLS me ... it needs a caption.
"My ears - they are big! Worship my big ears while I take over your lap!"
"I am now a kitten! A full fledged kitten! With big ears! And triangle anime eyebrows!"
"And I am super extra sneaky!"
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"Also, my belly dots of doom - they are getting more powerful!"
This picture is deadly cute - Ziggy is warming himself by the heater vent. But the videos? Those will slay you dead. I'm not kidding. SO. FREAKIN'. CUTE!!!
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Poor Zoraline - it's hard to compete with such cuteness. But she tries :) She's chilling out by the day!
And just when she got extra chilled - I betrayed her by bringing her to the vet's to get tested and spayed! Poor girl! She handled it like a champ though, and tested CLEAN! So she gets to meet the gang, and eventually check out the house, too!
While Zoraline was at the vet's, finally Kiwi and the baby meet. There are several more videos after this one, if you want to click through. It was such a sweet meeting!
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On Zoraline's first day back, however, she and Ziggy practiced their Synchronized Cuting Routines:
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Ziggy was glad to have his mommy home, even if she was a little tender in the belly. "Mommy - did you see my EARS?!!? They're EVER so big!"
He likes sleeping where I usually am - even when I'm not there.
Ziggy would like you to know that if you need a secret hiding place for something, you can always hire out his BIG EARS!
If anyone comes looking for your stuff, he'll distract them with his BELLY DOTS O DOOM!
And his little black jelly bean paw pads!
Ziggy, like many bottle babies, didn't want to wean... He loved his bottle!
He wouldn't eat the wet food - he only had eyes for the bottle. Until... the great kitten weaner ... CHICKEN! Ziggy LOVED chicken!This growly attitude was a bit of a harbinger of things to come... This kitten has rather an abundance of attitude.
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Kiwi likes gushy food - even if apparently it bored her to sleep!
After nearly a week, Ziggy managed to wean off chicken onto gushy food - which he, um, kinda loves. A lot.
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Once he was fully weaned, I weighed him, and that's pretty much it for weighings! He's clearly thriving - no need to keep such close track - yay! Eight weeks ago tonight, he was nearly dead - now, not dead! That's 600 grams of ears, and 48 grams of the rest of him!
Zoraline increasingly has no idea what's gotten into her boy, and keeps her distance, no matter how awkward that may make her look.
Last weekend
girlpurple and her husband (who I am sure has an LJ, and I probably even know it, but it escapes me at the moment) came to meet Z&z thinking that Zoraline would be a good fit for their family. As it turns out, Ziggy decided to crawl up on B's shoulder, and konk out. It's a proven fact that if you are looking for a kitty to expand your family, and one makes such a maneuver, it's nearly impossible to resist. They aren't going to resist. When he's 12 weeks old, as long as the rescue lady agrees (and she bloody well should!) Ziggy will be going to his fantastic forever home with them.
"I think I got them with my BIG EARS!"
This is pretty much how Ziggy is - either sleeping/cuddling, or set to 11!
Meeting Kiwi and Mimzy went extremely smoothly! Zoraline really wasn't fussed much at all! They were very friendly checking each other out over the chair! Very little hubub between them at all!
Once Zoraline got out of the guest room, she really didn't fuss at the others at all! She already had made friends with Mimzy though, so this wasn't a first meeting.
Okay - remember what I said about Mr. Attitude. Oh. My. God.
Ziggy has a thing for hair scrunchies. Like ... so bad I nearly renamed him Gollum!
I'm only putting a couple of his scrunchy videos in this post - but there are more on youtube, and they're all hilarious! There were more I didn't upload - it's just that absurd!
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When we aren't teasing him with the scrunchy, he plays with it SO cutely:
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Ziggy really is totally full of attitude. He definitely has a thing for hair scrunchies ... but he also went nuts for my buttons one day:
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"I take no responsibility for that boy! I blame you! I will hide under this cat bed where no one can see me! I'm very clever!"
I consider myself lucky that this turned out as well as it did ... So sweet :)
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Nothing makes you as sleepy as a sleeping kitten!
This is what it's like these days! "HEY! I have BIG EARS!!! Are those my youtube videos? huh huh huh? Are people looking at me and my BIG EARS!?!? I have BIG EARS!!! Did people rate me and my BIG EARS?! I should get five stars or EACH ear!"
Kiwi and Mimzy are SO HAPPY to have their paws all over the baby! They knew he was in here for WEEKS and wanted in!
Ziggy is glad to have more tails to kill!
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He is an EXPERT tail-killer!
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Like I said - he's either full on, or super cuddly! (Ziggy sez: "lookit my EARS! They're GIANT! I love my giant radar-dish ears!")
Meanwhile, getting used to the rest of the household is coming along just fine. Zoraline has figured out where the chicken comes from. She's actually off the ground here (she's typically VERY good with her claws and manners - Aidon totally enticed her up.)
"If I look at you like this, with my BIG EARS, can I go out and play too - and maybe have chicken?"
You can explore, Ziggy! Come help with the groceries, why don't you!
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Also - there are APRON STRINGS!
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Now ... there is ... a DOG in the house...
I stupidly didn't have a camera the FIRST time he met Suki, when he actually managed to whap Suki's nose. Suki didn't let him get that close after that. Smart dog. Smart dog who thinks the tiny mouthful of a kitten is something to be reckoned with - shhhhh! ;)
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And apparently while you were ordering BIG EARS online, Mama got lazer eyes installed - so did Dora!
Well, there's no chicken but ... what the heck? I have ... Asparagus Kitten? Yes. I do. I have psycho asparagus kitten.
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Ahhh... sometimes there's just nothing like the family bed after a rough day of being fierce! I often come and see something like this...
or this...
I don't often come in and see something like THIS though. Ziggy was taking up the whole big bed, and mama was in the tiny baby bed!
Public Service Announcement from Ziggy: "Shoelaces are totally toys - especially in the morning sun. Also, I have BIG EARS!"
Aidon informs Ziggy that he should sit up and pay attention!
"Can I *please* have some chicken... or asparagus? I have BIG EARS!"
"No Ziggy, no chicken, or asparagus... I'm eating pancakes."
"PANCAKES?!!? I *love* pancakes ... GIMME!"
"huh, OW! Holy cow ... it's Pancake Kitten!"
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It's been long enough since I made an update (sighs - sorry about that) that ... we have another kitten! He arrived yesterday afternoon. He was found outside a dojo by a friend of a friend's chiropractor - the only survivor of his litter. So he got nicknamed Rocky. Ziggy is terribly interested! He's 2 weeks old and all black, and as of this evening, finally figured out how to suckle and is doing pretty well, phew! I'm tired, needless to say ;)
And to wrap it up - a few other terribly cute videos:
Ziggy is TRYING to figure out how to best Zoraline...
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He keeps trying...
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And trying...
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And talking about it, and trying more!
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Sometimes he comes for help...
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And sometimes, he thinks better of the whole idea (this one makes me laugh EVERY time - click and check it out, it's a short one, but hilarious)
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And sometimes, he really goes all out!
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And sometimes he doesn't care WHO he takes down, as long as it's someone!
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"Hmmm.... this guy looks like I could take him on!"
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Oh Ziggy - it's been a joy watching you grow! I can look at this day by day and I can see which day you ordered and received your ears - I wonder if everyone else can spot the day!