Life, the Universe, and Everything

May 28, 2008 11:06

Wow. It's now been over a year since I last posted to my LJ, and reading back over my old entries is like peering into someone else's life. I still don't have an office job, but as of last Thursday, I am no longer involved in the pet industry. I've finished my first year at Mason (with a 3.75 GPA no less) and today I submitted my first freelance article to a gardening magazine. I'm about a hundred pages into my first novel, and have two short stories ready to shop around to various SF/Fantasy magazines.

I'm happier than I've been in a really long time.

It's a big, scary step to take to follow your dreams, and in my case, Joe needed to push me off the ledge. We're essentially living off his salary right now, so things will be tight. I'm taking some creative nonfiction classes as well as some technical writing at Mason, so if I'm having trouble making it as a freelancer by the time I graduate (probably another two years) I can just slip into the enormous technical writing market that exists in this area.

I know that I have been somewhat disconnected and out-of-touch recently. I can only plead a combination of stress in my job, fear of the future, and trying to squeeze a full-time job, almost full-time school, and raiding in WoW. My full-time job is now writing, school will be based on what we can afford per semester, and we're taking a break from WoW. We hadn't realised how much of our lives it had eaten until some serious guild drama made us take a step back and realise, "Hey, we've been raiding 4 nights a week for the last six months -- having pretty Tempest Keep loot just isn't worth it."

I'd like to reopen lines of communication, but I don't know who wants those lines reopened. If you're reading this and you do, just toss me an email. If you don't, I wish you the best, hope that your life is everything you want it to be, and I apologise for neglecting our friendship to a degree that you no longer want one.

Love, Luck, and Lollipops!
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