Jul 29, 2004 19:39
hello everybody. i don't usually update or do livejournal much, but im really bored at my dad's house (in florida). So I don't know if any of you are going to be reading this since i don't update a lot, but i need to talk to someone. so im in florida and i want to go home already after the fourth day. For those of you that don't know, my sister is kind of slow and well stupid (not saying that to be mean or anything or sound joking but it's the truth). So i've had a lot of talks with my dad and his new wife about where they think kelsey (my sister) is going to go to school next year and how they think that a smaller school would suit her. Then my dad got into asking me questions about how my mom acts with her and asked if she "babies" her or whatever, i said yes sometimes adn he said that he thought that that wasn't fair to kelsey that she did that. but what made me mad was that he babies her more then my mom. For example kels and i will be going back and forth on something like we always do and he will always tell me to stop or blame me for whatever just happened..like how just now my sister said the same thing twice so i said "kelsey you JUST said that." then kelsey went on to say that she was "expressing her thoughts more" and jsut kept talking so i said, "okay kels, i get it" then my dad goes in this deep voice and says "stephiiiieee." I guess you had to be there and that whole story was pointless but hopefully I got my point across. I jsut want to go home to where i can talk to mike or someone. I don't think anyone gets how my family is but let me just say that its messed up. i kinda like this whole livejournal thing..maybe i'll update more often - well i will at least until saturday. see ya.