Dec 07, 2008 14:53
JK. In a nod to my seventh-grade science teacher who would generously allow us to sit on our textbooks during tests in case we were so desperate that we wanted to put our faith in flash-learning during the test through osmosis.
Why do I mention this point you ask? Well, I'll tell you (he's going to tell!): Today I took the kids to church by myself as Vicki was not feeling well, my first "flying solo" experience. Now we get to the opening song and I'm paying close attention because a certain one of our children is quite rebellious / self-conscious about singing even when it's in a group with the whole congregation and, really, who's going to hear you while you're singing anyway? It occurred to me later in priesthood meeting that he's going to totally fit in there because when all the men sing their opening excercise song, even a fairly popular and well-known one (today: Count Your Blessings), it's like a mass contest to see who can sing under the radar of everyone else. You know the Unspoken Rules that everyone knows (bathroom spacing, most famously), it's like one of those things. I call it under-singing and for the record I was anti-that today and pretty much carried my whole section just by singing at a normal volume. BUT I DIGRESS. The point is that back in sacrament meeting I heard an unusual sound, turned to my right and discovered that my other child was ARRing. Not in quite the same fashion as yours truly, mind you, but it was very similar. I said nothing (lies. Actually I said "good job") just because usually his contribution to the song is to play a game flipping through the hymnbook to find it, succeeding approximately five words before the end of the song. So if he's making noise which is following the melody, who am I to put a stamp on that?
Anyway I put forward this example to highlight my new theory, Genetics Through Osmosis. Because I'm pretty sure I've cut that habit since being married (I can't remember the last time I did it) so it can't be a Nurture thing that he picked up from me, therefore it must be that I have passed genes through osmosis. Feel free to nominate me for a Nobel prize anytime.
Still job-looking, think I might have gotten an in with a headhunting peep last week (which may require relocation, but I'm fine with that at this point, with the economy the way it is I will pounce with alacrity on an opportunity) but she has yet to get back to me so here's hoping. And thanks go to the peeps in my family participating in a fast this weekend on my behalf, it's appreciated.
Now I'm napping because three nights in a row now I've had TERRIBLE sleep and so I'm going to go upst