Jul 05, 2008 23:29
So today I did a big thing. In case the title was not sufficiently obvious I will spell it out for you.
I B-O-U-G-H-T A-N E-N-G-A-G-E-M-E-N-T R-I-N-G.
This follows an offer by Vicki to pay for my half of the plane ticket so as to free up my money for, you know, things of this nature. In a way, is this like her paying for her own ring? A little, I think, but she is of a different mind and who am I to argue?
Also, lest you think I am a kook, this also follows a day of careful prayer, scripture study, and meditation.
I told her tonight that I had it; I am ambivalent about that decision in retrospect. I mean on the one hand it doesn't seem like a huge deal, because she did know I was looking at them today, and I was trying to cheer her up by telling her I'd found one I liked (she was not feeling her usual buoyant self tonight). On the other hand, it is a little of a surprise wreck. On the *other* hand (that's three now, counters) we had also explicitly delineated that we were freeing up money for me to buy something that I was not under any obligation to use until I was ready to do so. So it's not like buying is a commitment to use on my trip out there. Also I backpedaled nicely because for some reason she persistently assumes me to be more clever than I choose to be, on what basis I'm not sure, so I was able to talk her into thinking I *didn't* have it in my possession because she thought if I did there's no way I'd've told her. So...just fan what she already apparently thinks, I guess. Catch a break for me.
Of course, I DO actually plan on using it when I go out at the end of the month (duh?). And I have a scenario worked out. Now all I need is a backup scenario because an engineer without a backup plan is one who feels lost and confused, bereft of intellectual comfort.
I may share that scenario later...but then again, I may not. Surprises are nice.
Stay potentially tuned for more "ha, I'm not vicki so I can actually read this and feel superior because she can't!" content. Only temporary mind you, I'll change the setting afterwards.