Sep 12, 2007 06:28
Potential job in connecticut. Discuss.
JK you get more info first :-)
it's for connDOT, which I talked to at the job fair last year and (I think?) left a resume with because it was a fun time talking with them. Most of the DOT people (connDOT, NYDOT, VTrans) were, or at least seemd, pretty desperate so it was a morbidly humorous sort of way. But now I've gotten a job alert in the mail pretty much out of the blue from read between the lines on that is "would you like a job interview? please? please please? we found your name on a list from last year and really need people!". Anyway that's just me.
Salary is 44,790 and evidently non-negotiable. Being government lots of perks on retirement, health insurance, vacations, etc., which is to be expected. Also that's for a 35-hr work week. Also government jobs are more secure. Comparably I *think* without having done any recent research that's about a 2-3K cut below private sector. Again, expected with the government. You trade better wages for better job security.
Downside: it's in Connecticut. Conn has always to me been the land of uppity snobbish rich people and I'm not sure how well I'd fit in there. However if you do a cost-of-living comparison with hartford (where i assume conndot is located) with burlington, it's more or less equal. So maybe the good ol' b-town is also the home of uppity snobbish rich people? *le shrug*.
And I would be doing, quote,
"may be responsible for preparing roadway design plans, profiles, cross sections and cost estimates, structural analysis and special engineering investigations utilizing a CADD system. In-state travel may be required for this position. Good oral and written communication skills are also required. The Connecticut Department of Transportation offers a wide variety of transportation related career opportunities in various civil engineering disciplines such as highway design, facilities design, structural design, traffic engineering, construction inspection, etc."
all of which I feel reasonably comfortable with which is always good.
Other downside: I don't think highway engineering does too much with permitting, and even less with any watery stuff. Though, I'm a realist and I realise the odds of my finding a job that does *both* of my widely divergent interests in CE are pretty minimal.
I guess it comes down to, again, water versus transportation. Water, I like better, plus it also involves more permitting. Water and transit are like my Primary interest (I only get one) whereas permitting's a Secondary (I could probably work that into a primary job). Transportation, on the other hand, I think I'm better at, besides that my design elective is in it (my this-semester class on traffic [read: highway] engineering). I know, I know, do what you love rather than what makes you more money (or by extension of cliche, what you're 'better at')...Decisions decisions.