What I learned this year: A job is more than a job.

May 25, 2014 12:37

It irritates me how single minded our culture has become. If you asked "what is a job" , or "why should I want a job" , most people would say something like "to have a house...to have money...to have things...to pay bills..." Nobody told me that a Job could be more than that. As a child I was never interested in material wealth. Had somebody informed me that a job is (a) A way to find meaning and purpose (b) A way of being of service to others (c) an opportunity for personal growth learning and development or/and (D) A way to make meaningful connections to people and make friends and serve a greater whole...I might've been more motivated to find a job at a younger age. I'm currently jobless mostly because I believed material wealth was secondary and purpose and meaning and happiness were primary and so I was happy knowing I wasn't mindlessly doing what other people told me to do because "I ought to". That's the worst reason to do anything and I knew it. Its taken this long to realize a job is MORE than a means to an end of amassing wealth and material possessions and I thank God for helping me to take the time to realize these things. I only wish there were someone to teach me this so I wouldn't have spent so much time feeling lost. But I'm glad I became lost. Its made my life more of an adventure and its lead to a deeper way of perceiving and being (and helped me to answer my deepest questions without my culture intervening or bullying me to doing something I dont want) which is far more fulfilling to me personally, than just doing it "because everyone else is doing it". Now I can apply for jobs without feeling like I'm selling my soul to the devil. Now I know what it is I REALLY want other than money and material wealth. Now I know what I truly stand for. Spread the word that jobs are more than what people say they are. Jobs are as much a spiritual affair as it is a material affair. Thank you.
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