[ Permissions ]

Sep 04, 2011 17:55

Parsee's defining ability is the ability to manipulate the jealousy of others. There are many levels of this, and characters can be affected (or as unaffected) as they wish. Just keep in mind that the longer Parsee knows someone, has spoken with them and has learned what they are like, the more likely it is that she will use this skill on them and the effectiveness should, in theory, increase... but of course this will not be done without the consent of other players.

While Parsee will attempt to verbally entice just about everyone at some point, actual usage of this ability will be marked with green text for the keywords she is aiming with. An example will be:

"That friend of yours has a lovely voice. I wish I could sing like that. Don't you? Too bad they're such a showoff."

There are several levels I will use, just as a guideline. They start out subtle and grow bolder and more complex with the additional effort put in. As a rule, the stronger the effect the shorter the duration, but this will also depend greatly on the target's willpower as well.

Level 1 - Jealousy starts to seep into the subconscious. A character will start to notice certain details draw their eye or ear more than normal. The way someone they know wears their hair, their clothes, or how they accomplish their work. Being critical of one's own performance is the side effect of this level of envy. ("I wish I could pull that look off. *sigh*")

Level 2 - The character begins to covet things verbally. They find themselves lamenting things they do not have, or have had before, especially in the presence of those who have something comparable to offer. Longing stares and wistful sighs are common in this stage, as is passive-aggressively guilting the other. Low self-esteem is also a likely effect at this stage. ("Your figure is amazing! I used to have a body like that. I don't think I could keep up with it like you have, but I really wish I could.")

Level 3 - Beyond the passive-aggressive, the character finds themselves acting on their desires without noticing it. The practice of "borrowing" items and "forgetting" to return them or "losing" them is likely to occur, as is lying to cover up their tracks. Switching plates at the dinner table repeatedly, trading clothes and accessories, oneupmanship in various forms are also good examples of what might transpire. Slipping into depression is expected. ("You mean that amulet (that looks so much better on me)? . Are you sure you loaned it to me? I thought I saw your friend with the same thing yesterday.")

Level 4 - Nothing is ENOUGH! The character can do better than what this; they HAVE to have what it is they believe they seek. Individual effects will vary, but the character will feel compelled to put their all into acquiring something that they have had their eye on, whether it is a material possession, some change to their body, or a state of mind. One might even fly into a jealous rage at the drop of a hat.
Examples include:
  + A strong warrior might turn a routine round of sparring into an all-or-nothing duel. ("I am jealous of your skill, but no one should be better than me!")
  + An athlete will push their training until their body collapses. ("I know I can be stronger. Faster. Better. I just have to prove it!")
  + A chef might sabotage a meal prepared by someone else. ("My cooking isn't as good as theirs, but if I can't enjoy it, no one can!")

Level 5 - Hoo boy. You just... *don't* want to go there. Hell. *I* don't want to go there. This is something that will take a lot of CR, stalking, plotting, and will likely have some interesting consequences for both characters, so I would hold off on bringing this up unless you feel absolutely ready for it.

This is all perfectly optional! However, I would appreciate it if you would let me know what level is okay to use on your character, if it is blanket permission or situational, or if you wish to opt out entirely! If I see a particularly enticing thread or post, I will approach you before I have Parsee try anything.

Please fill out the following brief form. You can reply to your own if you want to make any changes later on down the line, as CR and comfort levels change!

Name: Goes here! Approved Jealousy Level: 0~5 (0 is the same as opting out) Willpower: 0~5 (5 would be iron-clad, like Charles Xavier, and 0 would be the young, naive, trusting sort -- e.g.: those easily led into the backs of vans with lures of candy) Blanket Permission?: YES/NO Triggers?: Put anything here you want to avoid, as Parsee is very morbid, and speak easily on traumatic topics.

!permissions, !ooc

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