Facial hair.JPG, originally uploaded by
Every couple years, I get the crazy idea in my head that it would be amusing to experiment with facial hair. Which is to say that I half heartedly grew a beard for a couple weeks in college and then tried a goatee for a couple months while at SageWalk. Apparently it's that time again. After not shaving this past week out of laziness, I decided today to selectively groom rather than shear. Opinions? Is this a good look for me? I appreciate that at least it makes it so I don't look 16 anymore. I can at least pass for 20. My observation when trying facial hair in the past is that it looks really silly on me the longer it gets; my facial hair is not very thick, so it doesn't fill in much. I go from looking scruffy to looking like the scruff just got really long.
Should I keep growing it and see what happens? Shave off the sides? The 'stache? Get rid of the whole thing?