Aug 23, 2008 20:56
Today was busy.I had my 3 hour music theory placement exam today. I did roughly as I was expecting. Thanks to the wonder of computerized exams, I knew my scores as soon as I pushed submit. 19th century theory: 59%. 20th century theory: 69%. Form and analysis: 68%. I don't the my score for the aural skills and dictation though, because that part was done on paper. Well, I'll be curious to hear what my advisor says. Now I get to look forward to the history exam Monday night.
I feel a bit better about the classes I'll be teaching. I met with the other TAs and discussed what we need to do. Still not really clear on it, but I'll figure it out.
I also did my choir audition today. I was actually getting a bit nervous before hand. I haven't studied voice in a while, and when I warmed up I was really rusty. I also found out today that I needed to have a song prepared for the audition. I found a Schumann song that I still sounded okay on and went with that. When I get nervous before performing, I either get hot or cold. Today was cold. So I went outside. I believe this is the first time I've really appreciated and enjoyed the 100+ degree weather here. I didn't feel hot at all, just soaked up the sun. The audition actually went really well. They seemed impressed, particularly with high range displayed in the song. And amazingly enough, my sight singing was pretty good! Given, they were pretty simple major key melodies with no accidentals or anything, but I don't believe I've ever sight sung so well for any audition. Huzzah. I should also remind myself that many/most of the auditioners for the choirs are undergrads, so I'm already somewhat well positioned to begin with.
Today is the day that all my food decided to go bad. I took leftovers for lunch and found out only when it was in my mouth that it had started to ferment. I checked at home, and my other leftovers had also turned. As had my sprouted almonds and my orange juice. I swear, these were all fine yesterday. I guess this means it's time for grocery shopping again.
Yesterday I got my road bike all adjusted to fit me. This is good. I feel much less nervous while riding it now.
Okay, I need a break. Maybe I'll watch a movie or something tonight.