I present my first foray into the Doctor Who fandom with four BtVS crossover drabbles.
Let me know what you think.
Title: In a Name
Series: On the Tin
beneficiaFandom: Doctor Who/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Ten, Buffy
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Zilch. None, nada, zip.
Summary: “Because we’re the same.”
“Because we’re the same,” she answered, “because you need help saving the world and I need to be helping save the world… and because we both need someone to keep us in check.”
“I’m nothing like you,” the alien spits out.
“Why? Because it’s ‘The Doctor’ and not ‘The Slayer’?” she asks, sarcasm dripping.
“Yes” he snaps.
She pauses for a moment, “You’re right. I’m better than you.”
“Better?!” he sputters.
“At least my title’s honest.”
“You gonna invite me in now?”
He steps back into the blue box. After a moment, she follows, shutting the door behind her.
Title: Believing is Seeing
Series: On the Tin
beneficiaFandom: DW/BtVS
Characters: Ten, Martha, Buffy
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: Smith and Jones
Summary: “Martha, meet the Slayer. Slayer, Martha.”
“Martha, meet the Slayer. Slayer, Martha,” the Doctor introduced them quickly as he started setting coordinates.
“Hello... are you part of the crew?” Martha asked, distracted, still looking around trying to take in ‘bigger on the inside’, ‘travels in time’ and even just ‘spaceship’.
Martha looked at the Doctor, ‘The Slayer’ flipped a page in her magazine and the Doctor looked up from the console, “Uh… she’s… it’s a long story…” he started to wave her off.
“I’m a demon-killing superhero from another dimension where magic exists, currently stuck in this universe due to an end-of-the-world portal snafu. I travel with the Doctor because he thinks I’m too dangerous to be let out of his sight and I don’t really have anything better to do with my time until I get rescued.”
“Okay, not so long,” the Doctor quietly conceded, turning back to the Tardis.
“You’re… what? Did she say?… demon… what!?”
“Nevermind that,” the Doctor instructed brightly, “She’s only taking the mickey, aren’t you, Slayer?” he asked a bit too forcefully.
Buffy addressed Martha, jerking her head at the Doctor, “He just doesn’t like the fact that I’m living proof that things he doesn’t believe in actually exist.”
Title: Witches
Series: On the Tin
beneficiaFandom: DW/BtVS
Characters: Ten, Martha, Buffy
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: The Shakespeare Code
Summary: “Never make me do that again.”
“Now can I kill her?!” Buffy practically screamed, once the fake witch had rhymed out Martha’s doom.
“And you, Madame Slayer,” the Carrionite began.
“My universe, my rules!” the Doctor snapped as he checked over Martha’s unconscious form.
“Adored by enemies and betrayed by lovers, I name thee - ”
The Doctor looked up to see the Carrionite stumble back, clutching her throat, eyes wide in shock and terror.
The witch whirled and fled through the window, and the Slayer turned to the Doctor, her eyes pits of black that reflected no light, “Never make me do that again.”
Title: Dreamt Of
Series: On the Tin
Author: Beneficia
Fandom: DW/BtVS
Characters: Ten, Buffy
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: The Shakespeare Code
Summary: “Magic.”
“Are you gonna tell me what all that was back there?” the Doctor asked casually, rummaging through Shakespeare’s props.
“So you’re a witch now, too, eh?”
“No, just got a bit of the dark arts rubbed off on me by a friend due to her bringing me back from the dead a couple times. And yes, before you ask, heaven and hell are real too, though technically it should be heavens and hells according to the experts,” she continued distractedly as she flipped through a costume rack.
He looked up at her completely serious, “Magic doesn’t exist. There are technologies and sciences that can be interpreted as magic by those who don’t understand them, but there are no forces in the universe that can’t be explained someway, somehow through simple laws of physics.”
“Keep telling yourself that, smarty pants,” the Slayer said, smirking, “Maybe it’ll even come true, like saying ‘there’s no such thing as fairies’ until you’ve killed them all off.”
“There’s no such thing as magic, heaven, or hell,” he stressed again.
Buffy smile widened as she picked up a frilly collar and tossed it to him, “Whatever happened to ‘more things in heaven and earth’ Doctor?”
P.S. Is there anyone out there who'd be my DW beta? (specifically need characterization and Brit-speak nitpicking)