a new board is up on
writing_game. i love the chess board, it allows so many choices even i might be able to write something. several somethings. but for now, pimping: *warn* that *cocky* englishman against misbehaving in the *warehouse*; *cool down*, remain *impervious*, *white lies* will get you out of that embarassing situation; and for the love of small furry animals, don't *tickle* your *accident-prone* chemist when he's got a full *tumbler* in his hands! 6 points each. yes, I'm still obsessed with inception, why do you ask?
• i wish i could write clever, understated pieces that would tell volumes about how very much in love the characters are. i also wish it were effortless. but neither thing happens, because i procrastinate writing at all. as long as i don't try, i can't fail.
• i thought that not using capitals in this post would make me look cool. further thinking leads me to believe i'm most likely to seem illiterate.
• i need a haircut. i've been needing a haircut for ages.
• entre vous-z-et-moi, je rouvre tous les défis sur
mf_100_mots jeudi prochain.
• on ne fait jamais assez attention dans une cuisine. la semaine dernière, je me suis fait un pinçon en refermant la boîte à fromage. douloureux, mais surtout tellement, tellement ridicule.
• mes muscles de traduction sont tout rouillés. j'aime pas.
• la bibliothèque proposait des paquets-surprise en l'honneur de la saint-valentin: 2 romans, 1 dvd, 1 cd, on ne découvre ce qu'on a qu'après être rentré chez soi. j'adore le principe!