Tis a bit much for a mere fangirl

Nov 10, 2010 21:32

So, long story short: I've been silent for the last month and a half, but my excuse is that I have about a hundred new characters living in my head, and they needed a little time to settle and everything.

It started with a book - doesn't it always? I mentionned The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters when I polled you about books. Well, it turns out it's fantastic, with great characters, many many of them, and a universe I want to fic in (I've started a writing meme about the characters, actually, but it's more difficult than I thought it would be. How can one write angst about a utterly stupid character? Unless it's cracky-angst, maybe?) I've ordered, waited for (for almost three weeks!), got my hands on, and read the sequel. It was disappointing. I don't care. It was also 500 more pages with those characters.

Then, there was a British mini-series Blackpool. Not perfect, but nice enough to watch. And watch again. The thing is, it's got plenty of musical scenes. Like, three times per episodes, the characters stop talking and start singing along songs you may or may not know. It's been about three weeks, and I still find myself singing some of those songs. David Morrissey & David Tennant singing and dancing together - very, very distracting, let me tell you.

So far so good - those two were engrossing enough, but as there's no fandom to speak of, I could deal.

But I went to the library, you see.

And I wandered to the mangas section.

And gave in and borrowed Hikaru no Go.

I fell in love with the series. Hard. Read it all three times over on the first week (sleep is so overated). Started looking for fics. Started looking for prompts. For icons. For LJ comms, obviously. I'm still exploring, and it's great. *slightly crazy grin*

...and Merlin's season 2 DVD are due to be released on November the 30th. At last. Yay!

And Drop Dead Diva is kind of fun. Should I ship Terry with Stacy or Kim? I can't make up my mind. Any opinions?

Oh, and I wanted to mention - good luck to you all crazy, wonderful NaNo writers!


Je vous raconte pas les misères que me fait mon ordi en ce moment. Si vous n'avez pas eu votre update sur Thé et Complicité dimanche, mais hier, c'est parce qu'il a fallu que j'attende l'ouverture de la bibliothèque pour poster le chapitre, mon ordi me laissant uploader le document, mais pas accéder à l'éditeur (hors de question de poster sans preview - ff.net me bouffe systématiquement la moitié de mes italiques. Pas toutes, non, une sélection aléatoire.) Enfin bref.

Sinon, j'ai mis à jour ma masterlist de traductions. Pour le cas où vous manqueriez de lecture en ce mois de novembre où tout le monde semble être en train d'écrire.

J'ai l'impression que je ne vais pas savoir écrire pour la réouverture de tous les défis sur mf_100_mots. Et ça m'énerve, parce que c'est quand même moi qui ai choisi tous les prompts, certains d'entre eux avec une idée derrière la tête.

Je sens que je glisse dans la ronchonnerie, alors je vous laisse - il faut que j'aille apprendre de nouveaux mots à mon correcteur d'orthographe. tengen *ajouter*, Akira Toya *ajouter*, Meijin, *ajouter*...

Oh, et bon courage à tous les enragés du Nano! Je vous admire fort.

writing, tv shows, hikago, books, life 1 - benebu 0, mul-ti-fan-dom!, translation, merlin

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