+ Le premier anniversaire de
mf_100_mots approche doucement, et ce sera l'occasion de rouvrir tous les défis. Si vous voulez vous préparer,
suivez le tag.
+ Si vous aimez le slash et HP, postez vos slash sur
hp_slash_fr! Si vous aimez le slash, HP, et qu'on vous donne des prompts, participez à notre défi en cours
With Love, From Me, To You (But Someone Else Will Do The Writing) (quelle idée, vraiment, ce titre à rallonge^^).
+ Because it's been too long since I last wrote, well, anything at all, here's a meme stolen from a random journal I was stalking. The Never Will I Ever meme: Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them. Any takers? (Fandoms of choice: Merlin, Buffy, Psych, Everwood, Jumper & High Fidelity, but everything I've ever written is fair game.)
+ Also also, if you happen to have a spare invitation for Archive of Our Own, I'm interested.
+ Also also also, awesome challenge over at
the What If? challenge. 11. What if Dumbledore had left Harry in the care of a wizarding family instead of his muggle relatives? 35. What if Regulus had been the Order's double agent instead of Snape? 40. What if Bill Weasley was prevented from leaving Egypt during the war because he was under arrest for grave robbing? 46. What if Hagrid ended up with enough money to buy as many 'interesting' creatures as he could desire? And many, many more. Oh, the possibilities!