Nov 06, 2005 01:40
Today I worked at a pizza place.
My job entitles me to make the pizza, cook it, and then if need be, deliver the pizza to the reciptiant.
I get paid seven dollars and thirty-five cents for every hour that I work.
I got off work tonight around eight-o'clock.
I drove my car to a friends house and ate some pizza and watched a movie called cast-away.
I was happy not to be at work anymore, so I had an alright time, I suppose.
I drove home around twelve fifteen after the movie was over. It had been raining for hours but it was exceptionally wet outside. The rain came down like buckets and it was hard to see where I was going.
I saw an orange pumkin laying it the gutter, all smashed up.
Something about it made me stop and look.
There were seeds all smashed into the the cracks in the pavement in all different directions. Each seed was almost pefectedly stacked into the narrow cracks.
I arrived home at tweleve-thirty-five and drank a glass of milk.
I layed in my bed with one pillow in my arm and in between my legs. The rain was falling off the roof into small puddles. Drip drip drip went the rain drops.
I was in a round golden room with a lot of light and there were bright white skinned people in robes, standing in doorways. In the center of the room was a sphere in the floor containing symbols in a maze-like fashion.
The men in the doorways only looked at eachother across from them and did not stray.
I stepped into the sphere and I was thence at a park with large trees and hills of green grass. The sun was shining brightly in my eyes. I layed on my back with my hands under my head and closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes and sat in a seat on the train. Next to me was a woman with long black hair, her hands were under her legs and she had sad staring eyes and when I would look at them I would see right into them and into her pink brain. There was electricity, volts, jumping from one side to the other, playing games with one another.
One volt shot out of her eye and onto the floor and jumped onto my foot and up my leg and into my body. I couldn't move my eyes and my jaw would clench and my fingers would tense up around the armrest. My heart would jump and skip and studder. There was a loud noise like a gunshot at the front of the train. It was followed by the sound of the wheels skipping on the tracks (cuchuuh-cuchhuuuuh-cuchuuh-cuchhuuuh-cuchuh-cuchuuuh)
and by the wind outside the open window.
There were vast fields of pumpkins all growing with eachother in perfect rows, side by side. All bright and all togeather looking spotless and shining in the summer afternoon.
I would stretch my arms and legs and pop my chest by pushing my arms back as far as they would go behind my back.
I would step into the shower and wash my face and clean myself.
I would shave my face and brush my teeth.
I would eat pancakes with peanutbutter and jam.
I would drive to work.