Name & LJ: Hat ; lovesnotwisely
Birthdate & Age: 9/30/89 Making me 21, nearly 22.
Characters played in Zodion: N/A
Name: Aigis
Canon: Persona 3
http://images.wikia.com/megamitensei/images/1/1d/P3-Aigis_CG.jpg ,
http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt19/TheBabeList/Babes%20A-H/aigis02.jpgInfo links:
http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/AigisCanon Point: Post-canon
Gender: Female
Age: This is actually a kind of complicated area. Aigis is built with the mentality and body of a 16/17-year-old, and grows mentally as such. And I suppose that's the best way to put it. She'll be aged up in Zodion.
Birthdate/Sign: Aigis' date of manufacture was September 10th, it's up in the air whether this could be considered a "birth date". She came into existence on that day, but Aigis as a person did not exist for a long time. When she was created, Aigis was not "alive," and the game even said so. It took ten years for her to develop a true personality and "life," and this wasn't something that happened overnight. Aigis developed a personality between July and December in the game, before fully becoming "alive" and independent of her circuitry on April 1st. Due to the fact that she was created in 1999, this would also make her much younger than her mind, body and personality show.
While Aigis does fit a lot of the strengths of a Virgo, she is fairly optimistic, and while she can become depressed or down, she isn't a very irritable or cranky person, and she asks very little of people. She is not known, in canon, to criticize people, even when it is acceptable (Except for Ryoji, but that's a different situation entirely). After looking through the other signs, I did, however find that Aquarius fit her very well--much better than Virgo, in fact. Certainly, there's no sign I could find that fit her perfectly, but I think this one hit many of Aigis' main attributes and faults, the first being the fact that she is an incredibly "loyal friend". That's what made the sign stick out to me. "Caring" and "thoughtful" are actually two of her very strong characteristics that she develops over the course of the game. She was always cooperative, and worked with SEES in a team with no problem.
A few of the weaknesses fit her pretty well, too. Throughout the game (though by no fault of her own, really), Aigis is incredibly tactless ("You are dangerous"). While I wouldn't exactly describe her as gaining sexual pleasure for it, Aigis is pretty well known for... watching people when she really shouldn't. Her original appearance is littered with "You feel as if someone is watching you..." and to the last days of the Journey, Aigis follows SEES around and watches them. I mean, sure she's not... good at it, hiding behind trees, but Aigis watches people, breaking into Minato's room at least twice in the game to watch him sleep. Whether this is "voyeuristic" is up to your interpretation. And in the Answer, a lot of Aigis' problem is her "uncertainty" and "lack of confidence". Though, has overcome this, it was still a huge, life-changing moment for her.
Of all of them, I do think Aquarius is the best fitting for her, though she isn't a perfect fit, I'd be willing to elaborate if you'd like.
For her specific birthdate, I'd like to choose January 31st. It's an important date to her and SEES. It's also the day she first cried, showing that she was much more than she was created to be.
Tattoo: It would be about an inch and a half in diameter and over the point of her collar bone. Right where the knot of her bow would rest.
Suitability: Answer this, self.
Power: This, too.
Personality: Aigis is a canonly robot, yes. You will see more than one person portray her as nothing but a robot, all the USB cords and data ports included. Personally, I think this completely contradicts the game and you will not ever see me focus on her being on a robot. There, the elephant in the room is out of the way.
That is not to say, of course, that Aigis didn’t begin the game as hugely, painfully robotic. Her speech style was formal, her voice was monotone. And her personality was… basically that of your kitchen toaster, if your toaster had a complex over a high school boy named Minato. (If your toaster also happens to be an antishadow weapon, you might very well know what I’m talking about, if not, imagine it having guns and summoning creatures from the depths of its mind and you’ve got Aigis as of July, 2010.)
But through the course of the game, Aigis grows, as characters in 100+ hour games are wont to do. She becomes quiet, almost shy, curious to the point of awkwardness and goes all-around soft, by robot standards, by the end of the Journey. I’m certain other video game robots are ashamed of her.
I’ll begin by going over her fierce loyalty. Aigis is fiercely loyal. Her entire point in the game revolves on how desperate she is to protect Minato. She sneaks into his room at night, follows him around at school, and begs for Minato to take her into Tartarus. Her sole purpose, in her mind, is to be with him. And that means anyone who gets in the way, or is a potential threat to Minato, is going to be shot down early on by the bot (haha, shot down. I made a joke). A great example is the emergence of Ryoji Mochizuki ([spoiler] the perverted, humanoid form of Death [/spoiler]), whom she claims is dangerous with her super death-sensing skills that seemed to be missing when she first met Minato… considering he was housing death at the time. She hates him with a passion, and what she hates even more (though this is more prominent in the manga) is the time he spends with Minato. When Minato is summoned to battle Nyx, Aigis tries to force herself to accompany to him to the point where her parts begin to fall off. She’s with him at his last moments on the roof, and chooses to live her life helping others find a way to live… and therefore protecting Minato. Again. Really, it’s kind of ridiculous how obsessed she is.
Even when it’s not Minato, she’s always caring about her friends. When they forget her after fighting Nyx, it tears her apart--knowing she would do anything for them, and they'd forgotten everything they'd done together. Learning that Minato actually remembered her nearly brought her to tears. In the Answer, upon being disabled when Metis is about to kill Ken, she manages to exert a totally new ability to protect the rest of SEES-and show off that she now has the powers of the Wild Card. She’s reluctant to fight against the others, though forced. Even with Minato gone, Aigis still does everything for the ones she cares about. Despite having no will to live, she leads the team in order to protect them all, when it’s obvious she’d rather just chill in her room and cry for a while.
That determination is present in, it would seem, everything she does. She really seems as if she belongs in Gurren Lagann half the time because: Impossible? Surpassed. Reason? Kicked to the curb (in its face, no less. Probably while naked). Reprogrammed to murder everyone she loves? NO BIGGIE, AIGIS GOT THIS. Robots can’t cry? NOW THEY CAN. Robots can’t really be alive? BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. Aigis’ entire body has short circuited, leaving what should be a burnt-out shell of a bot? MORNIN’ GUYS, WHAT’D I MISS? Everything she does she does with 500% effort. And she rarely fails. About the only thing she can’t do is bring Minato back to life-but that’s because she’s got moral obligations not to.
Despite this, Aigis is also clueless, giving her a sort of childish innocence that makes everyone else in the room tense up. Having been active for a total of maybe a full year (and that’s pushing it), Aigis doesn’t understand most of the world. Hence why she sneaks into Minato’s bedroom, wakes him up five minutes early and doesn’t understand why he seems a little confused by a girl-shaped robot standing over him. She also makes some hilarious remarks comparing clothing to camouflage, and (alas, only in P3P, though I can imagine she fails just as hard in FES) cannot seem to grasp the idea of a water gun. She sometimes does things that would seem mean or insulting (like repetitively telling Ryoji he is dangerous), but she honestly doesn’t understand what’s wrong with it.
Aigis is just generally nice. She helps find missing cats, treats her friends and teammates well and wants to save people from thinking their lives are worthless. In fact, she’s made it her freaking purpose in life. Maybe it’s because of the childish innocence mentioned in the previous paragraph, but Aigis rarely doubts others intentions (which causes her, at one point in the game, to be reprogrammed to kill all her friends). She’s respectful and polite, addressing everyone with the honorific “-san” and using proper grammar almost all times. She just doesn’t have it in her to be purposefully harsh.
By the end of the epilogue, Aigis is the kind of person who can move forward, who can see that life wants to keep her down and sweetly punch life in the face. She’s a bit fail, with her sometimes corny jokes and simplistic outlook, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the most important thing to remember about Aigis is that you don’t get between her and her friends. Keep this in mind and you should be fine.
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