(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 21:36

This hasn't Been updated in a while.

Jordan And I are sTill Friends, WE had a HUGE fight that got us So Close to no longer talking but no matter what Either of us do We are still brought back together.

I have a Job now. I work at Mcdonalds. DEF. LOVE IT!! :-)It's a fun job Right now I don't get a ton of hours But I get hours Lol. But I am working my way up.

I also Got a Cellular. It's a Razr I love it. And I text like 24 hours a day the only time I DON'T is when I am sleeping LOL.
If you want the number Ask me. I will send it to you either thourgh Im on Aim or Myspace if you have one .
So Give me your Aim or Myspace If I am not added to it yet..:)
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