Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls and all those in between who aren’t quite sure what they are! I recently did a shoot in Leicester (Hinckley to be precise) and feel that I’ve got some cracking images for my portfolio. The photographer seemed quite pleased with the images as well which is a relief! As usual your thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
I also finished College today as well! I was doing a B.T.E.C. in Business (a two year course where you were assessed on the course work that you did) and am pleased to announce that I came away with a two A’s and a B. A colossal achievement when you take into consideration that I was awfully behind in the first year. For the moment I’m going to do nothing apart from romanticising and reminiscing but have a paid photo shoot in the last week of June and will be going to South America on the 11th July for a month. When I return I might go to University and do a degree or get a full time job. It is undecided as of yet. Anyway! Here are the images!