Caught up on Burn Notice. WOO!
Dude, awesome awesome awesome. It's a bit early to call this but it's exceeding season one so far and one? was friggin' *fantastic*. I like how they managed to flip the dynamic and grow the show while still keeping everything that was amazing about the first season. I mean this show is *tight*.
Verdict is still out on Carla. I mean once I realized you're not supposed to really like her she became really cool.
Loved the premier so damn much. Like it was *good* and Michael in jeans with the big ass gun? *Rawr*
Also really liked Sophia from second epi, I'm hoping she comes back.
All in all? WOOO.
Christ is it already almost the end of July? I am not ready to be getting ready to go back to school. *glum* Sometimes I really hate college, I'm taking in a lot of useless -albeit fascinating- information that has nothing to do with what I want to do with my life. *sighs* Whatever happened to apprenticeships anyway?
Also that Amazon DVD sale is killer. I mean I really really want to get Season 1 of Burn Notice and it's on *sale* but woe I cannot. D: And Psych season 2 is *still* on back order. I want my dvds!
I love summer. :)