I am always, always inexplicably tired on Mondays. It's like punching through lead to do anything after work (mostly I just end up accidentally napping). I'll probably end up eating an amazingly healthy meal of ramen and possibly yogurt (although most likely not at the same time...) and then sacking out for the night.
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This has been one of my favorite vids for years and years (although I'd hazard a guess that the creator wouldn't classify it as a fanvid but it really is). I actually first saw it on stage6 back in either '06 or '07 and I've hunted it back down after site shutdowns and across multiple computers and accounts. It introduced me to Carl Sagan and it was possibly the first vid that made me go I want to create something like that (amusingly enough, considering my style isn't all that similar to this). To my vidder's eye it's certainly got it's technical flaws but to me it goes to show that they don't matter if the message is strong enough.
I hope you all enjoy it as I have.