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Jun 03, 2010 03:34

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Alice
Are you over 15?: Yes indeed
LJ username: chesiresmile
Time Zone: whichever one is EST.
AIM: Cheshiresmiling
Tegaki: Cheshiresmiling
Anything Else?:

In-Character Information
Name : Sabrina
Game/Series: Pokemon
Canon Point: Three years after RBY/FRLG, just before GSC/HGSS
Age & Teaching Position: 25, teaches Psychic Development.
Living Arrangements: Dorm pls

Personality: At a first glance, Sabrina comes across as a very stoic, almost emotionless person. This isn't that far off the mark. Her facial expression rarely changes, and when she does speak, her voice is quiet, nearly monotone. It would be naive to say that she is completely emotionless, however. She's only human, and her mind works no differently than anyone else's. Well, aside from being an accomplished psychic, but she strongly believes that every human has the potential to be a psychic, it just has to be coaxed out of them.

Sabrina has focused so much of her time into perfecting her skills, both as a psychic and as a pokemon trainer that things like 'human interaction' and 'learning how to be social' have always kind of been on the backburner for her. So she can come across as intimidating, and sometimes downright creepy, but for the most part, her heart is in the right place. Because of her rather odd way of behaving, and the way so many people have reacted to it, she's started to try and keep herself distant from most people, though it isn't completely unheard of for her to decide that someone could be worth making an effort for. She probably won't make much of an effort to try, though. After all, who really wants a friend who doesn't really know how to show that they care? At this point, people being kind to her tend to leave her a little flustered. Not that most people could tell. She does have a definite soft spot for anyone who actually tries to befriend her, and doesn't give up which explains her possible slight crush on Erika I mean I haven't decided if that's canon yet, but she'd be hard pressed to ever say it. Or show it in anything other than the most roundabout ways. She has a much easier time communicating with her pokemon than with other people- they know her mind, and understand the way she functions.

The gift of foresight gives her a rather odd outlook on life- she knows some of the things that are going to happen before they come to pass, which gives her time to get used to the idea, and prepare herself before it actually happens. Though, since Red's beating her despite what her foresight told her, she's started to doubt her gift. By now, though, this doubt has passed. She hasn't been wrong about anything else in three years, and it would take more than that to convince her that what she sees is only a possibility, not concrete truth. She does try to warn people if she sees a reason to, regardless of wether or not they listen. She feels that it's her responsibility to warn them of possible dangers, but if they don't listen? In the end, it's really not her problem. If she knows them well enough, she might even annoy them about it later. As much as she means well by this, it can come across as something like schadenfreude, but no, she really does mean well. She doesn't derive any amusement from it.

Well, okay, maybe a little.

Backstory: With the highest population of any city in the region, not to mention both the Silph Co. headquarters and the Kanto end of the magnet train, it's no surprise that Saffron City has become famous, even outside of Kanto. Nearly every other city in the region, and others worldwide rely on Silph Co. to keep their PokeMart shelves stocked, and most travelers between Johto and Kanto make their first steps in this city. At one point, the city's size justified opening not only one, but two pokemon gyms.
And of course, there's the Gym. Any trainer skilled enough to get the first five badges comes to Saffron looking for their next one, and many of them are stopped there.
Sabrina is the Saffron City gym leader, sixth in the suggested order, and a formidable user of Psychic-type pokemon. She's said to be such a challenge to face because she has no need to actually give her pokemon their orders - She communicates with them telepathically during the battle, making her moves almost entirely unpredictable.

She gained an interest in honing her skills as a psychic when she accidentally bent a spoon when she was young, showing an unnatural gift. From there, she read everything she could find on it, and her natural gift just kept providing her with new things to learn, new ways to expand on her talent. By now, she's mastered telekinesis and telepathy, and gained the rare gift of foresight, though it comes to her sporadically, and with little more than a vague sense of when the event is going to take place. Along the way, she developed a love for psychic-type pokemon, particularly an Abra her family had begun keeping as a pet, and began to train along with it.

Some years later, Sabrina had begun to make a name for herself as a trainer. With no real aspirations to become champion, or even to try against the elite four with a team like hers, she returned to Saffron. She hadn't been there long when the Leader of one of the two gyms of Saffron announced that he would be stepping down, and was looking for a trainer capable of taking his place. Sabrina might not have particularly enjoyed fighting, but being a gym Leader would keep both her skills and those of her pokemon sharp. She stepped up to the challenge, and blew the competition completely out of the water. Her first act as a Leader was to challenge Saffron's other gym, with their status as Leaders at stake. Only eight badges were needed to face the elite four, and as Saffron was the only city with more than one gym, well... it just seemed to follow that one of them should give up its position to make the whole thing more simple. Unfortunately for him, the other leader specialized in fighting types, and Sabrina's team completely wiped his out. He was forced to give up his status as gym leader, but kept his business running, this time as a fighting dojo.

The next few years functioned as normal, with pokemon trainers coming through to challenge Sabrina, and were either forced to end their journey there, or, if they were particularly skilled, actually beat her, and were sent on their way with the Marsh badge. It could get boring sometimes, with so few losses to break up the monotony, but this was her duty, and she was far from wanting to retire. Besides, in the end, even with some bouts of boredom, it wasn't a bad life. Until, a little over three years ago, Team Rocket infiltrated Silph Co., planning to steal the plans for the Master Ball, a poke ball that could catch any pokemon, regardless of how much they struggled, or how healthy they were. They couldn't find the plans, or the prototype, so they shut down the whole building, and then the city. People were afraid to leave their houses, and the Rockets just went about the city as they pleased. Sabrina would have stopped them herself if her foresight hadn't told her about a boy who would force them out of the city. It didn't help that they'd blocked her inside her gym. It also warned her that this boy, Red, would challenge her, but that ultimately, she would win. It would be a hard battle, and a close victory, but nonetheless, he wouldn't get past her.

It was the first time her foresight had ever been wrong. It had been right in that it was a hard battle, and a close one, but Sabrina hadn't won. Red walked away with the Marsh Badge. It was strange that her foresight could have been wrong about something as small as a battle, but in the end, she decided, she'd been too sure of her victory, and hadn't trained herself enough for it. She'd let her psychic powers make her too cocky. Next time, she wouldn't let this happen. Not long after, she had another vision. Another trainer much like Red would come to challenge her, and this time, she really would win. It's been three years since she had this vision, but she continues to train, and wait for her challenger. This time, she'll be ready for it.

Then, the Kanto leaders started leaving. First Green, who spent enough time away from his gym that most of the league hardly even noticed his absence, then the others. Slowly but surely, most of the Kanto league moved out to Final Destination City, either to teach, or attend a fighting school in the city. At first, Sabrina was extremely disappointed in them, in that they would just abandon their gyms like this. But after some time and thought... well, visiting, at least, might not be such a bad idea.

Anything Else?: -Sabrina will be coming here with the intent to just visit and check up on the other gym leaders. She won't be applying for a job right away.

- She's brought Venomoth, Mr. Mime, Alakazam, and Gallade with her. her other pokemon are in the PC, though, if she needs them.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal): Final Destination City... It's not so different from Saffron, after all.
I'm disappointed that so much of the Kanto league should abandon their gyms for such a place. I see nothing of particular note here. Perhaps one of you could enlighten me as to what it is you find so interesting that you absolutely must shirk your duties like this? Perhaps there was some plan to move the league out of Kanto that I was unaware of?

In-Character 3rd person writing post: "Very well. I dislike fighting, but if you insist..." Sabrina stood from her seat, and gave the trainer across from her a cold stare. Somewhere in the back of her mind was a brief flash of amusement. This trainer was afraid of her. She didn't have to be a psychic to tell, the way he looked at her, the way he didn't seem to want to take his place at the other end of the arena, the way he held himself, it all gave him away. And she hadn't even sent out her first pokemon yet. "...then I will show you the extent of my abilities!" The psychic leader made no move towards her pokeballs. She made no move at all, keeping stare on the other trainer as the pokeballs began floating around her, as if by their own will. They circled around her, and every once in a while, one would float out of the circle, hover for a moment, and make it's way back in as Sabrina made up her mind. She had to admit to making a bit of a show of it for her challenger. After all, he seemed to think that she was something to be afraid of, and she'd hate to let him think that this fear was for no reason. Eventually, her pokeballs returned to her side, save one, which flew forward into the arena and opened. A flash of light, and there stood her Alakazam, waiting for his orders.

I don't expect this one to put up much of a fight. Let's make it quick, shall we?

!ooc, !app

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