Mostly Comics Things

Feb 27, 2013 19:49

Rambly and slightly incoherent because sick and tired and worn out etc. etc. Also a lot of accompanying swearing.

Spoilers for:


Re: Damian Wayne, fuck you DC, I give up on you entirely. It's not just killing off one of my baby robins--because lbr you love to kill of child characters for extra sales--and it's not even that Damian is my precious semi-sociopathic evil little baby, but, to quote someone less incoherent with rage than I:

It’s not just that we’re upset about Damian’s death, though we are. It’s not that we don’t think he’ll probably come back eventually, as he will. It’s not that we didn’t know Morrison originally planned to kill off the character, as we did. It’s not even that we love the character, though we do.

It’s the spectacle of it

It’s the fact that they leaked it in advance to news organizations everywhere to ensure the high sales of the issue

It’s the fact that they’re promoting it in every other goddamn issue in the nu to come out this week

It’s their long, long history of killing children to garner sales or erasing children once the novelty of a child wore off

It’s the fact that it’s a part of the demonization of Talia

It’s the fact that a ten-year-old’s brutal death was shown to further a metaphor for divorce.

It’s not just the death. It’s the context that surrounds it.

(daggerpen @ tumblr)

(Mostly though it's because Damian is my precious baby, though, and when DC erases my other favorite character and not only never writes my third favorite character quite like he exists in my head but hires Orson Fucking Scott Card to write him... yeah, Z out)

Captain Marvel

No real comments on the storyline still: waiting to decide if they're going to handle one of my least favorite tropes (brain tumor oh noes) tolerably well or not. LOVED Carol&Cap BFFing though, and while I never had the problems with Andrade's art that some people have, I agree that it just snapped in this episode. The lines, the colors, everything was FLAWLESS for the story being told.

And the little girl was the actual most adorable thing ever to exist jfkdslfjkdsl omfg.

Journey Into Mystery

My feels still amount to ooooh pretty art, fuck yeah Sif, and what the actual fuck is happening here?

Sif hitting the taxi driver harassing her made me laugh out loud with delight, ngl.

(Bonus: Not reading Superior Spider-man because fuck if I'm gonna support that storyline, but I would be lying if I denied LOVING Spider-ock's appearance in this issue. He was SO OBVIOUSLY NOT PETER and I kept giggling imaging Peter saying his lines and poor reaction was poor but hey. Needed the laugh.)


SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH okay okay this is just, omfg, I cannot wait to see what will happen, Clint you are a dick get your shit together, Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate kate kate kate kate flawless kate screeeeech, KAAAAAAAAAAATE, Nat, Bobbi, JESSICA :DDDDD, Kaaaaaaaaaaate, so many ladies. So many ladies being AWESOME.

And Aja aaaart. I waited until around the release of issue #3 to start reading this because I wasn't on board with Aja's style, and I still really hate that the other artists tried for the style and imo really didn't pull it off, but I LOVE IT SO MUCH it works so perfectly screech screech screech.

Young Avengers

Eh. No ladies in this issue unless you count weird blobby parasite fake-mom, which is a) a storyline I could do without and b) Really, Marvel?

I do love Billy and Teddy, because they are precious and perfect, but so far Gillen's writing has left me a little cold on them? IDK they just aren't reading as a couple very well to me, like it's obvious they're meant to be together, but... it just doesn't make me believe it, idek. Gillen's baby!Loki is flawless as always, though.

Walking Dead

Yasssss Carol you are so fucking badass, telling Andrea to sex the Governor up and murder him in his sleep, YOU GO GIRL (in case anyone doubted what I love in my ladies).

I spent most of this episode chatting with SJ, and we were both pretty convinced that Andrea was going to die so I decided I could totes ship a really fucked up, sick version of zombie!Andrea/Michonne with no sex (because Not My Kink D:), where Michonne drags armless, jawless zombie!Andrea around and pretends she's still alive and talks to her and shit.

Because reasons.

(In case you were wondering, SJ was appalled XD)

Andrea managed to survive though, A+, would prefer shipping living characters who can have sex without squicking me.

(Also Tyrese, no, Tyrese, wtf are you doing s t a w p)

In other news, when is more Doctor Who stuff coming out, where are my spoilers and feels and anticipation gais??

type : journal

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