A Most Extraordinary Album

Jan 09, 2004 17:16

I have finally managed to track down the Damien Rice album O, and I reallly have to remark that it is divine. It is very rare that I find an album which I can listen to from start to finish without skipping any tracks. This album is that rare gem.

I can't even begin to describe the quality of his voice, and his songwriting.... I think it all best speaks for itself. You simply have to purchase a copy of this album.

On a completely separate note, I think now would be a lovely time to visit Antartica. I just need a little respite from the heat. It's becoming unbearable. Still, it is good for the little Snapdragon's that I've planted in my front bed. They will look stunning next Spring, if we get enough rain that is. An end to the drought is my wish for this new year :)
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