The edge

Aug 20, 2006 22:14

I have the horrible nasty feeling that if I ever started down that road, I'd be a) alcoholic, b) easy*, c) a chain-smoker d) fucknuts insane.

Meanwhile, learn the 412 ways The Penguin of Death can kill you. If the thought makes you feel scared and alone, click this instead.

Alternatively, see my youth, a la X Men cartoon. Or this wonderful voice-over version of the show. More clips! Bloopers! Oh, and Movie!Wolverine is hawt.

And here's a random link of Ray Park (aka Darth Maul aka Toad aka the stunt guy for Mortal Combat) giving some fighting tips: part 1. In the background you can hear the corect response to make when watching this: Holy crap *awe* that's why Darth Maul is hot.

Oh, and Darth Maul trivia from wiki: "Darth Maul only blinks once, just after he is sliced in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, he may only have blinked through shock, and this could evidence that Zabraks are a species of alien whose usage of eyelids is optional." Neat, right?

Plus, Exar Kun was, invented stuff, probably got struck down by his apprentice.

* "NO! I will not sleep with you. Never ev-- Oh, well, alright, you're remotely attractive. 'S long as you're gone in the morn'.

movies, youtube, movies: star wars, movies: x men

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