I've found a
website citing ever single lab in Spain and am currently writing down every one in Barcelona. I've got 7 pages of addresses and am at the letter M. Gah.
In other news, had a blsat with Engl. Conv. today and got payed extra (15 vs 12).
Watched The Libertine yestday and unfortunatley can't get the image of leperous blotchy-faced bad-toothed Johnny Depp out of my head. Help! (He was, however, surprisingly hot with long hair.)
Oh, and
read at own peril. It's a fine exaple of bad writing which got published. Hell, if they'll publish this, I don't see why other people are having such a hard time getting published.
She has the gall to say:
"The characters in this book are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.
The publisher of this book is not affiliated with Lucasfilm."
I do believe Neil Gaiman has had this brought to his attention too:
"Mr. Gaiman:
I thought you might find this interesting.
http://leegoldberg.typepad.com/a_writers_life/2006/04/no_hope_for_thi.html Basically: A fanfiction author decides to publish her work.
Sigh. That's asking to be squished like a small and particularly squishy bug under the mighty bug-squishing thumb of George Lucas, really, isn't it?"