Read and watch, little one

Apr 01, 2006 16:29

On a completely different note: if you’re offered 25* for one cow on a rinky-dink planet, how much would you be expected to pay for one whole night with a whore at the docks of a commercial planet?

For that matter, would I be insane if I said the price for one night was approximately the same as the cost of a full round of bullets?

Or would I be cheap?

Stuff to read:

Stuff to coo at:

...except I've installed the bloody Mozilla ActiveX Plugin and gazillion times, restarted the gorram browser and everything, and the frelling video won't freakin' play.

Yes, I am frustrated. And you are? doesn't actually help, seeing as I don't understand any of it.

These people are much more helpful:

But...but I tested by installation here and it works bloody fine so wtf is going on with the site?!?

No thanks to Grr.

Ye saga continues with Macromedia Flash Player, which is what the interview plays in and apparently won't cooperate with Mozilla (and I don't even know if I have it). It's here, in any case.

What to do, what to do...

Now I'm not one to like a southern drawl overmuch, being more of the Irish-appreciatin' type, but is it bad that I love it when Nathan Fillion drawls? And he does just that in Slither, which looks not so much scary or gory as much as funny.

PS: If I have to go to the bathroom one more time I am going to scream. Stupid over-working kidneys, take a break.
Edit: *scream*

* Twenty-five what? Credits? What do Firefly people call their cash?

clips, tv, movies, inspiration, firefly, movies: slither, interviews

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