There, it's done.*

Jan 05, 2015 17:52

The Year of 2014 in Memes and Lists:

End of Year Meme

2014 In The Beginning:

Where did you ring in the New Year? - At home in Rome.
Who were you with? - My parents.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? - No.
Did you make any resolutions? - No.
If so did you keep them? - N/A.

2014 Your Love Life:

Single/Taken? - Single.
How many relationships did you have? - 0
How many break ups? - 0
How many people did you kiss? - 0

2014 Friends and Enemies:

Did you meet any new friends this year? - Lisa (via internet).
Did any of your friendships end? - No.
Did you dislike anyone? - Yes.
Did you get into any fights? - Yes.
Did you make any new enemies? - No.
Did you resolve any fights? - No.
Who was your closest friend? - My bean.

2014 The Holidays:

Did you have a Valentine? - No.
Did the Easter bunny visit you? - No.
Did you dress up for Halloween? - No.
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays? - No.
Did you receive what you wanted? - Yes. (I got accepted to university and I got a Pop Vinyl Thorin.)

2014 Your Birthday:

How old did you turn? - 31.
Did you have a cake? - No. (Pastries and pie, yes.)
What did you do for your birthday? - Had lunch with the family.
Did you have a party? - No.
Did you get any presents? - Yes. (Leather jacket c/o aunt.)

2014 Memories and Accomplishments:

Funniest Memory? - N/A.
Saddest Memory? - The whole year, in general.
Most Embarrassing Memory? - N/A.
Best Accomplishment? - Over 80,000 words for NaNoWriMo.

2014 Favorites:

Favorite TV shows? - How to Get Away with Murder
Favorite songs?
Favorite bands?
Favorite food?
Favorite stores?
Favorite restaurants?
Favorite piece of clothing?

2014 All About You:

Did you change at all this year? - As much as I always do.
Did you dye your hair? - No.
Did you get your hair cut? - No.
Did you change your style? - No.
Were you in school? - No.
Did you have a job? - No.
Did you drive? - No.
Did you own a car? - No.
Did you lose anyone this year? - No.
Did anyone close to you give birth? - No.
Did you move at all? - Yes, from Rome to south of Barcelona.
Did you go on any vacations? - No. (Unless you want to count going to Burgos to visit the family a vacation but honestly it wasn't.)
Did you leave the country at all? - I moved country. But aside from that, no.

2014 Wrap Up:

Was 2014 a good year? - No.
Do you have any regrets? - Yes.
Did 2014 bring any new insights? - No.
Do you think 2015 will top 2014? - Yes. (It will also be terrifying.)
Do you have any goals for 2015? - All of them.
If you could relive any moment which would you choose? - None of them.
If you could forget any moment what would it be? - 90% of the year.
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2014? - Have dinner with the uncles.
Who will you be kissing at midnight? - No one.


Meme: How was 2014?:

1. What did you do in 2014 that you’d never done before? - Went to an emergency eye clinic, spent a week in hospital, had a visual field test, an electroencephalography, an MRI, a lumbar puncture, was a volunteer for an experiment, and went home alone. Took anti-epilepsy pills for a couple months. Had echographies: intrauterine, abdominal (bladder, kidneys) and thyroid. Applied for and got accepted for a PhD program. Moved to a city I have already lived in. Went to Gijón. Saw the Museo de la evolución humana.

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? - They are basically life resolutions by this point.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? - No.

4. Did anyone close to you die? - No.

5. What countries did you visit? - None. (Lived in two.)

6. What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014? - Same as last year: an income, a place of my own, a sense of purpose, a life.

7. What dates from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory? - I don't do dates. But crossing the Mediterranean is an event that's pretty well etched.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? - Sent out the PhD application. Wrote over 80000 words for NaNoWriMo.

9. What was your biggest failure? - All the things.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? - A cold or two, along with wrist and chest pain at various points.

11. What was the best thing you bought? - The nicest new things I have this year were presents, and the things I bought myself are on the scale of food and incense so...incense.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? - My internet peeps. My Pilate's teacher.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? - My immediate family’s.

14. Where did most of your money go? - Food.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? - Nothing. I am dead inside. (No, I lie. I've gotten excited about RPing.)

16. What song will always remind you of 2014? - Capercaille's "Him Bo".

17. Compared to this time last year, you are:

Happier or sadder: Still dead inside.

Thinner or fatter: I don't even care.

Richer or poorer: Poorer. Zero income will do that to you.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Online courses. Writing. Living.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? The whole "being miserable" shtick.

20. How will you be spending did you spend Christmas? At my uncles', with food extended (by law) family.

21. What was your favorite month of 2014? Burn the whole year to the ground kthnxbai.

22. Did you fall in love in 2014? No.

23. How many one-night stands? Zero.

24. What was your favorite TV program? How to Get Away with Murder.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? No.

26. What was the best book you read? John Dies at the End, by David Wong.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery? -

28. What did you want and get? I got accepted to Kiwiland.

29. What did you want and not get? All the things.

30. What was your favorite film of this year? La sedia della felicità (2013), which was in cinema in 2014 so it counts.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? - I had lunch with the family and I turned 31. I did not cry.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? A place of my own, an income, a purpose in life, friends in my vicinity, etc., etc., etc.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014? Clothes. I wore them.

34. What kept you sane? ...erm. Writing about Thorin and Thranduil fucking and angsting?

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Despite being dead inside, Richard Armitage and Sebastian Stan make me go a tiny bit giddy. (Also Thranduil, who is a fictional character but shh.)

36. What political issue stirred you the most? The international ebola management and the Ferguson et al. situation.

37. Who did you miss? I continue to be dead inside, but Gabriela.

38. Who were the best new people you met? Lisa.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014: If the doctor tells you to stay in bed all day because you've just had a bunch of cerebrospinal fluid siphoned off, and the nurse tells you to go have a visual field test, and that yes, they checked with the doctor that you're supposed to go, don't fucking go. Especially, don't go walking. Because you will faint.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: "All we can do, yeah, that's what they say, sit and wait, sit and wait, just sit and wait." - Sydney Youngblood, "Sit & Wait"

Media of 2014


The Dark Knight Rises (2012), L'immortel (2013), Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993), 12 Years a Slave (2013), The Great Gatsby (2013), Il capitale umano (2014), Resident Evil: Retribution (2012), Robocop (1987), Flowers in the Attic (2014), Lizzie Borden Took an Axe (2014), Rainmaker (1997), Wolf of Wall Street (2013), The Blues Brothers (1980), The Irrefutable Truth About Demons (2000), Galaxy Quest (1999), The Curse of the Golden Flower (2006), Flight (2012), The Secret of Kells (2009), The Book Thief (2013), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Only God Forgives (2013), Hotel Transylvania (2012), Snow White and the Huntsman: Extended Edition (2012), The Covenant (2006), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Lachlan MacQuarie: The Father of Australia (2011), Island of the Blue Dolphins (1964), Pumzi (2010), Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011), La sedia della felicita (2014), The Gathering Storm (2002), The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009), The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant (2005), Kate Mosse’s Labyrinth (2012), Nanjing! Nanjing! (City of Life and Death) (2009), Paul (2011), Easy A (2010), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), Deep Blue (2003), Deep Sea (2006), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), The Help (2014), The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey EE (2012), The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug EE (2013), Into the Storm (2014), Maze Runner (2014), El niño (2014 - in cinema), Prisoners (2013), The Stuff (1985), Tremors (1990), Exit Wounds (2001), The First Time (2012), Fun With Dick and Jane (2005), Gone Girl (2014), The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014, in cinema), Immortals (2011), John Dies at the End (2012), Miss Marie Lloyd (2007), Requiem for a Dream (2000), She’s the One (1996), Soldier’s Girl (2002), Crazy Safari (The Gods Must Be Crazy 3) (1991), Monsters University (2013), The Promise (2005), speak (2004), Rec 2 (2009), Wierdo: Donald Glover Live in New York (2012), Blue Valentine (2010), Boston Kickout (1995), The Hobbit: Leggo Clips (2014), Le Week-end (2013), Memoirs of a Geisha (2005), Ocho apellidos Vascos (2013), Only Lovers Left Alive (2013), What Women Want (2000), Top Secret! (1984), Twister (1996), 300: Rise of an Empire (2014), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), The Last Days of Anne Boleyn (2013), The Physician (2014), Thirty Minutes or Less (2011), Waterworld (1995), Bend It Like Beckham (2002), Coriolanus (2014), Dead Poets Society (1989), Quartet (2012), Les rivières pourpres (2000), The Searchers (1956), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2007),

TV Shows:

A to Z (1x01-1x02), Adventure Time (Season 2, 3x01-3x03), An African City (1x01), ALF (1x01-1x09), American Horror Story (Season 3), Beauty and the Beast (2x10), Black Mirror (Christmas Special), Breaking Bad (Season 1-5), Castle (Season 6-7), El club de la comedia (x3), Commnity (Season 1-5), Cuéntame un cuento (1x01-1x02, 1x04, The Daily Show (2014), Dharma and Greg (5x20-5x24), Doctor Who (8x01-8x02), Dracula (Season 1), Elementary (Season 2-3), Fawlty Towers (Season 1), Full Metal Alchemist (1x01-1x04), In the Flesh (Season 1-2), Game of Thrones (Season 4), Grey's Anatomy (Season 10-11), The Golden Hour (1x01-1x03), Hannibal (Season 1-2), Hemlock Grove (1x01-1x02), How to Get Away With Murder (Season 1), The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (3x01), Mad Dogs (Season 4), MasterChef Spain (x2), Men in Trees (1x02-1x03, 1x04, 1x08, 1x13, 1x17, 2x01), The Mentalist (Seaaon 6-7), Merlin (Season 1)
, Mr Selfridge (1x07, 1x08-1x10, x2), Monty Python's Flying Circus (Season 1, 2x01-2x04), Mr Ed (1x01-1x02), MST3K (8x07), The Musketeers (1x01-1x02), New Girl (2x23), North and South (Season 1), Once Upon a Time (Season 3-4), Orphan Black (Season 2), Peaky Blinders (Season 2), Political Animals (Season 1), Pushing Daisies (Season 1-2), Sherlock (Season 3), Sleepy Hollow (Season 1-2), Sparkhouse (Season 1), Spooks (8x04), Strike Back (Season 1, 2x01), Suits (3x11-3x14), Supernatural (Season 9, 10x01-10x05), Teen Wolf (Season 3-4), El tiempo entre costuras (1x10), Top Chef: España (Oct. 20), True Blood (Season 7), The Twilight Zone (1x01-1x22), Untamed Africa (Season 1), Vicious (1x01), Vikings (Season 2), The Walking Dead (Season 4), Whose Line is it Anyway (Season 10), Wonderfalls (Season 1)

Radio Plays and Podcasts:

Alchemist in the Evening (Episode Dec 29-Jan 12)
Anglo-Filles (Episode 11-21)
ATBonfire Film Podcast (Episode 2)
Hardcore Hstories (Episode 40-43)
Harmontown (Episode 14-22)
The Hidden Almanac (Dec. 9-Oct. 6)
I Hate/Love Remakes (Episode "The Longest Yard/Mean Machine" - Episode 27)
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap (Episode 135-163)
The Kimberly Story
Made of Fail (Episode 68-80)
A Matter of Taste (Episode "All Mind, No Matter"-Episode 43)
The Mitch Benn Podcast (Episode "Doctor Who Music"-"Just Missed Christmas")
Monster Talk (Episode "Zombies, Cults, and Demons" - "A Tiger by the Tale"
My Brother, My Brother, and Me (Episode 179-189, 197-206, 219)
Quiet, Please (Episode 1-3)
Sawbones (Episode 1-10)
Welcome to Night Vale (Episode 38-55)


Reckoning by Lili St. Crow
Defiance by Lili St. Crow
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
North and South by Elisabeth Gaskell
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien [unfinished]
Digger by Ursula Vernon
Peahen's Practical Demonology
Ursula Vernon's Jackalope Wives
Waldorph's Untitled
Chaosvizier's NaNoWriMo 2013
Mark Reads The Hunger Games
Mark Reads Catching Fire [unfinished]


The Journal by LadyDunla [unfinished]
Give and Take by Neyiea
nuingiliath's First Kill ; Hope and Memory ; A Dark Veil, Studded With Stars ; What We See ; Sunflowers ; Blame Game ; This Ruined House ; Lost and Doomed ; Alliance Building ; 200 ; Trusting and Elf ; Both the Bitter and the Sweet, [assorted drabbles]
meressel's Trope request! Bilbo/Thorin, snowed-in. Bonus points for girl!Bilbo but I'd be happy with anything. ; The Settling Dust
Flollius' Snowfall ♥ ; Smoky ; Frailty ♥ ; What Remains ♥ [unfinished]
redheadedninja's The Martyr
KivrinEngle's Children Of the Lonely Mountain, Durin's Sons
Anon's Enthrallment ; Both the Sweet and the Bitter
Avelera's Prayers to Broken Stone
lindoreda's Not a Bug, a Feature
LakotaSunDancer's In Good Company
trulyunruly's Have At It
madame_faust's Wild Geese [unfinished]
toitsu's Squalor Victoria

Captain America

what_alchemy’s The Steve G. Rogers Guide to What You Missed the Last Few Years
haipollai's Where Does captain America Learn to Steal a Car
idiopathicsmile's Mistake on the Part of Nature
what_alchemy's The Steven G. Rogers Guide to What You Missed the Last Few Years
avelera's Miles to Go Before I Sleep
febricant's Post-Recovery Social Cues: An Adventure in Not Breaking People's Wrists
itsashakaidanovsky's Repeat
villainsexuale's Untitled
averil-of-fairlea's Imagine

Harry Potter

amazonpoodle's what if the reason nobody can tell fred and george apart is because they really are interchangeable

Being Human

nuingiliath's Dark & Quiet & Dead ; Something Beneath the Floorboards; The Day to Break ; Boundaries ; Going Home, This Empty Light, [assorted drabbles]

Music of 2013


Mario Biondi and the High Five Quintet: Handful of Soul ; I Love You More (live)
Michael McCann: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Arctic Monkeys: AM (2013)
Tom Waits’ Closing Time (1973)
Resident Evil: Retribution Soundtrack (2012)
The Decemberists’ The King is Dead (2011)
Panic! At the Disco: A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out (2005)
Frank Sinatra’s Nothing But the Best (2008)
The Format’s Dog Problems (2006)
Barenaked Lades: Disc One: All Their Greatest Hits (1991-2001)
Explosions in the Sky’s Take Care, Take Care, Take Care (2011)
This Will Destroy You’s Young Mountain (2005)
Great Big Sea’s Fortune’s Favour (2008), The Hard and the Easy (2005), Safe Upon the Shore (2010)
Fall Out Boy’s Take This To Your Grave (2003)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’s Soundtrack Deluxe Edition (2013)
Chelsea Wolfe’s Pain is Beauty (2013)
Explosions in the Sky’s The Earth is not a Cold Dead Place (2003)
This Will Destroy You’s This Will Destroy You (2006-2008)
The Glitch Mob’s Drink the Sea (2010)
Brigitte Engerer’s Chopin: The Complete Nocturnes
Mark Knopfler’s Sailing to Philadelphia (2000)
Arctic Monkeys’ Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not (2006)
If You Leave (2013) by Daughter
The Tracy Chapman Collection (2001) by Tracy Chapman
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space (1997) by Spiritualized


Flollius’ The Starlight Mix [The Hobbit], Bad Love [Doctor Who], Thing Coming Undone [Doctor WHo], Kiss the Time that Goes [Doctor Who], Measure of Infinity [Doctor Who], Under a Molten Sky [Doctor Who], I Need a Doctor [Doctor Who], Satellite Heart [Doctor Who], You Can Never Win [Doctor Who], Full of Love [Game of Thrones], My Heart Between Your Teeth [Game of Thrones], Porcelain Ivory Steel [Game of Thrones], I Am No lady [Game of Thrones], The North [Game of Thrones], You Cut Her (Part 1-2) [Game of Thrones], These Cold Nightmares [Game of Thrones], 2011: A Note of Welcome and Farewell [General], A Primo ad Ultimum [General], Blue [General],

8tracks: Pirates, Avengers and Wizards, Oh My (General) ; Napoleon of Crime (Elementary) ; Summer: Jazz Remixes (General) ; CTRL + c: 21 Covers That May or May Not Blow Up Your Mind (General) ; I’m Messed Up With You (Once Upon a Time) ; What a Tune (General) ; You Will Be (Hannibal) ; Today? Today I Made a Fort From My Sheets and Stayed There All Day (General) ; *Teenage Girls Screaming in the Distance* (General) ; I Really Fucking Love You [General] ; 1 A.M. [General] ; 1 P.M. (General] ; Avoir le mal de quelgu’un [The Hunger Games] ; I’d Kill All My Darlings For You, My Love [General] ; Science/Visions [General] ; A Primer On How To Get Shit Done [General] ; Merry Britmas [General] ; This is a Low But It Won’t Hurt You: Eleven Songs for London-Induced Loneliness [General] ; Home is Behid, The World Ahead: A Walking Mix [The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings] ; Pelkan Mein Kwaab (Part 1-2) [General] ; Pourquoi ne pas attendre le lever du jour? [General] ; Preteen Angst, a.k.a. Your Eigth Grade Emo Phase [General] ; Le punk n’est pas mort [General] ; Thrive: A Mix for 2014 [General] ; Songs Named After Years [General] ; Puncture?Repair [General] ; For Each Song a Key (Part 3) [General] ; For Each Song a Key (Part 2) [ General] ; Nightspringer’s Under the Milky Way: Music for the Cosmos [General] ; ogressive’s Homosexual Superiority Complex [General] ; Dead Man Walking [Supernatural] ; Anything Goes [General] ; Be Prepared [General] ; It’s Too Quiet: A Playlist of Unnerving Instruments [General] ; Belt It [General] ; Ride the Snake [Harry Potter] ; Dystopia [General] ; Distance is a Bitch [General] ; Wham Bam Thank You Glam [General] ; Death is a Beating Drum [Thor] ; Please [Hemlock Grove] ; ou Could Have Been My King [The Hobbit] ; Sweet Serenity [General] ; Fading Fall Romance [General] ; Untitled Mix #2 (So Much More to Me Than You) [General] ; Covered [General] ; Somewhere Over the Sea: A Mix for Lovers Separated By Endless Seas [General] ; Goodbye [General] ; The Late Night Shuffle [General] ; Escape Music [General] ; Girl Bands ^-^ [General] ; Girls Girls Girls [General] ; Let’s Take This Back 2005 ; Mast Up! [General] ; The City is Wilder Than You [General] ; Count My Sins [Marvel] ; The Study Mix [General] ; Chill/Study/Instrumental [General] ; Where is the World of Eight Years Past? [General] ; April Madness [General] ; Random Favorites [General] ; Once Upon a Dream [General] ; Elves Making Merry [General] ; Terran Empire [General] ; You’re In My Blood and There’s No Curing Me [Marvel] ; Sunday [General] ; The Girl Who Wanted to be God [General] ; Sweet Snowy Day [General] ; Night Drive [General] ; The Best Ending Ever [General] ; The Girl Who Wanted to be God [General] ; Sweet Snowy Day [General] ; Night Drive [General] ; The Best Ending Ever [General] ; Favorite Indie Songs [General] ; Rise Above [General]; Once Upon a Time: Becoming a Legend [General]; And When You Fall, I’ll Teach You How To Fly [Game of Thrones]; Work Bitch [General] ; Groove By Yourself [General], Crack Their Skulls: Battle Cries for Malevolent Royals [General], Super Heroine [General], Leave the Riches (Take the Bones) [The Hobbit], Bad Karma [Lizzie Borden Took an Ax], Dangerous Mind [Lizzie Borden Took an Ax], Whisper [Supernatural], Scream [Supernatural], The King Beneath the Mountain [The Hobbit], Study & Inspiration: A Playlist [General], Study Vol. I: Three Hours of Studying [General], Study Vol. II: Three More Hours of Studying [General], An End With No Beginning: “We Almost dated” is Such a Weird Relationship to Have With Someone [General], Cosmos I: Home [General], Cosmos II: The Numinous [General], Our Fathers’ Fathers: To Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old [The Hobbit], To Be Alone After Midnight [General], Elli Dört [General], In the Clouds [General], Shadow [Teen Wolf], Prayers to Broken Stone, Part 1 [The Hobbit], Prayers to Broken Stone, Part 2 [The Hobbit], My Childhood Spat Out the Monsters That You See [Supernatural], Supernatural Tumblr Picks [Supernatural], Hope: a Prayers to Broken Stone Fanmix [The Hobbit], Monsters: A Prayers to Broken Stone Fanmix [The Hobbit], Goodnight, Goodnight [General], Going Home [General], In Celebration of My Wickedness [General], House Stark [Game of Thrones], House Lannister [Game of Thrones, House Targaryen [Game of Thrones], House Baratheon [Game of Thrones], Better Vibes [General], You [Welcome to Night Vale], Them [Welcome to Night Vale], You Found Me [General], Writing Session: Sweat, Tears, and Blood [General], Put it On the List: A Mix for Steve Rogers (1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s) [Captain America], Summer in the City [General] Beyond the Forest [General], Give in to the Wolf Inside [General], Fleeting [General] ; Upward Over the Mountain [General], This is God’s Country [General], God Damned Country [General], Black Hat [General], You/Me/We [Teen Wolf], Glory Fades [The Hobbit], Chilly Winter [General], Indifferent Reverie [General], Reverie [General], Nefelibata [General], Classy Bitch [General], Creep [General], Between Heaven and Hell [General], Amazing Covers [General], Bad Reputation: An 80s Clarice Starling Mix [Silence of the Lambs], Better Days [General], Because You’re a Lannister [Game of Thrones], Folk This [General], My Space Era [General], Oh Happy Day, Listeners [Welcome to Night Vale], You Alone Will Have the Stars [General], Let’s Bang [General], Dear You [General], Shadows [Teen Wolf], but i cannot handle love [Burning the Sound], Don’t You Ever Tame Your Demons [General], The Editor [Raizu], The Neverending Playlist [General]

Look I Made Stuff in 2014


Durin Family Feels: Modern AU - "Son of the Oak"
Dreaming is a Horrible Waste: Repeats of Early 2014
You Got to Let It Sing: Repeats of Mid 2014
Teen Wolf: Force of Will
Music Layers x2

Fanfic (wordcount):

Songs of the Wayfarer - 116,860
Durin Family Feels - 8,922
Durin Family Feels: Modern AU - 2,383
Assorted Prompts - 31,474
Love From a Distance - 4,545
Assorted RP


A Softer World Remixes
Drawing x1


Betaed avelera's "Prayer's to Broken Stone"

Walks - 130
Swim - 9
Run - 1
Pilates - 38
Bike - 1
Days lost - 7
Crying - 53
Social - 76
Anxiety - 20
Museum - 6
Places - Barcelona x6, Sitges x3, Vilanova x3, Torredembarra, Barcelona x2, Vilanova, Burgos, Gijón, Villaveta, Melgar, Rezmondo, Frascati, Castelgandolfo, Poblet, Montblanc, Santes Creus, Burgos, Tarragona
Pain - wrist, shoulder, hip

* Common expression

end of year

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