Everything sucks*

Mar 18, 2014 17:52

holy shitmonkeys, two entries in a single month? what is the world coming to!

so i'm being smothered by inertia.

i worked on the proposal last week tuesday, just minor edits (like a sentence that took some two hours to work out), and have been hitting my head against the wall trying to do more of that because i need to get the objectives cleaned up - add an experimental aspect - but [insert wailing noises here].

i did manage to write a bit of self-indulgent crap, all the while going "this is crap" but at the same time thinking "sweet tentacular goodness, this writing, you guys". so that was confusing. and then i stopped because i had a big chunk highlighted in a garish yellow that was in flail-speak and needed to be translated into proper-speak and yeah no, not today, fucker.

and i've also been betaing a friend's fic which is fine and good except when i ramble or forget how to word or scour the internet checking sciency details no one is going to give a crap about.

also i've been having so much social interaction i can't even. (online, but shh.) seriously. i've having ongoing conversations and it's awesome. (which reminds me, i should give chaosvizier a poke because our weekly emails gave me life.)

but let's face it, guys, i need to work on the proposal. it's not even that hard. just like. one line. one thing. an experiment. come on, self, just do it like the dutch peeps did.

but instead i'm just...wallowing. ugh.

also the folks left, then came back, then mom left, then came back, and now everything is passive-aggressive (heavy on the aggressive) and i no longer have free reign of the house and i hate everything. yay!

on the plus side though i had lunch with G yesterday and they brought me a plushy bat and pokemon chopsticks (!!!) and an adorable bag for supplies like pens and stuff from taiwan and we had sushi and everything was right with the world.

...sickle out, y'all. this has been a word-vomit.

* Common expression

daily life

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