Teen Wolf is a freaking gnarly show about werewolves…and Stiles…and forbidden love.*

Sep 01, 2012 01:00

Basically it's a show that's deceptively fun and light until it punches you right in the feels. It's about Scott, who gets bitten by something whilst in the woods at night looking for half of a corpse (as one does) with his best friend, Stiles. Turns out the something is a werewolf and there's a bigger, badder werewolf out there killing people. There's also Derek, a lone werewolf, who tries to be Scott's Yoda (but Stiles is totally better at that). There's new-girl Allison, who's Juliet to Scott's Romeo, where the Capulets and Monague's are hunters and werewolves. There's Lydia, who hides her genius behind a superficial-girl mask. There's Jackson, captain of the lacrosse team until Scott wolfs-out, which makes him very suspicious. Everyone has issues and the supernatural brings in more.

Price Peterson, Teen Wolf: Rave to the Grave (PHOTO RECAP)
Teen Wolf is the kind of show that not only gives its adult characters purpose, it also suggests that there are real-life consequences to being overly focused on epic supernatural problems. Like how Scott’s failing his classes. Stiles’ dad just got fired. The town’s leaders get regularly overthrown by a powerful upperclass [...]. All these bummers not only ring true, they raise the stakes while simultaneously keeping things grounded. See what I’m saying? The writerly decisions this show makes have become downright refreshing.

Here's a show and fandom Starter Kit.

See also: Price Peterson, What Teen Wolf Gets Right, this awesome fanmade trailer by asha novella, and kreugan's absolutely hilarious humour fanvid, which is said to be, "literally the video that would convince ANYBODY to watch this show."

And now some flails from Tumblr:

the characters:
Stiles is a precious human being (so precious)
Lydia is secretly super smart
Kendra the Vampire Slayer
pretty people
precious best bros
badass women with crossbows
the lead character is a puppy

the show:
gorgeous cinematography is gorgeous, (really really gorgeous ; spoilers)
heeatbreakingly wonderful father-son relationship (heartbreaking)
the guys are allergic to shirts
the cast is adorable, the cast is precious
fandom friendly, embracing the fandom
funny scenes
gay and bi friendly (also sex-positive and racism-free)
strong women (spoilers)

the fandom:
fandom's creation of demon!Stiles
ship all the ships

* Dylan O'Brien

tv: teen wolf, fandom: fic, fandom: art, fandom: fanvids

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