It get's better, we'll get better*

Aug 08, 2012 13:15

So...I haven't done a proper update entry since June 18th. *sheepish look* Yeah, well, nothing much going on, really.

Still horribly unemployed and basically unable to deal with doing anything about it because I happen to like shooting myself in the foot. The brother's been trying to run intervention on this, but seeing as his pep talks leave me weeping in the corner for the rest of the day, not so much with the helping, that one. Too much, "Look at your life, look at your choices (HINT: they suck and you should do ~something~ about it)" and not enough, "Yeah you can totally dig yourself out of this hole, go you!" Well to be fair he sort of did say those words, but since it was in the sarcastic, "Would you rather I tell you everything's going to be fine and that you are awesome and yay you?" you'll forgive me if I just throw those words out the window.

I've been trying to do things, though, even if I haven't been actively looking for a job.

(Well, I tried twice. Once, I didn't find anything and ended up crying over, well, my life and my [horribly uninformed] choices, and the other time I actually sent out an application, so, y'know, success.)

Basically the things I've been doing include diving headfirst into Teen Wolf and not getting behind on Tumblr (the tiny little sparks of joy in my life), writing up the code for those travel posts (which I keep pushing through mainly because I try to finish what I start, but also because chaosvizier is awesome and provides hilarious captions to the photographs, making it all worthwhile), and making fanart. Oh, I've also stuck pretty well to an exercise regime this past week, even though the temperature here is murderous. Seriously, it's mid thirties all the time and yes that includes goddamnit I want to sleep but instead I'm lying here sweating time.

So that's how I am. A little bit of "lalala I'm not listening", some "let's go into emotional hiberanation!" and some "I. Am. Going. To Die." existential panic. \o/ Anyway, have some thingies I made and some links.

Back Cover, Track List, and Zip


Yeah, it’s all alright. / I guess it’s all alright. - Fun. "All Alright"

Sometimes he dreams of his mother’s eyes / Mostly he’ll just curse the stars - Thea Gilmore, "Due South"

Well hello my little train wreck / I am your worst fear / I’m a mortuary postcard / I’m a graveyard souvenir - Thea Gilmore, "This Town"

The following is a collection of images from Teen Wolf revolving around the theme of power and control, who has it and who doesn't, and when, because Marina and the Diamond's song, "Power and Control" wormed its way into my brain and clung on with all its might.

Victoria Argent ; "A human vulnerability / Doesn’t mean that I am weak"

Kate Argent ; "But love will always be a game / We give and take a little more"

Allison Argent ; "‘Cause all my life I’ve been controlled / You can’t have peace without a war"

Lydia Martin

Peter Hale

Scott McCall

Derek Hale ; Power and control, / I’m gonna make you fall.

"Stiles" Stilinski ; I am weak, I am weak, weak

Links of the Day:
all_spn's Season 8 Spoilers

Other Fandom:
eleusis_walks's meta 30 Days of Angel: Day Two - Favorite Male Character: Wesley
theweaselking's The Dark Knight Rises Review - Brief but with interesting discussion in the thread

mediocrechick's scans 25 Best Cult TV Shows From the Past 25 Years

rex_dart's Experience at the restaurant Alinea
all_spn's embedded video Misha Collins' Random Acts interview
greygirlbeast's embedded video "Mer" by Chelsea Wolfe ; On the Curiosity landing on Mars ; embedded video Cloud Atlas extended trailer
made_of_fail_pc's Episode Fifty-Six: Fish Fish Possum Possum
ursulav's Annotated Fairy Tale: Hog Bridegroom ; Annotated Fairy Tales: Two Cinderellas ; Annotated Fairy Tale: The Golden Apple Tree and the Nine Peahens ; Annotated Fairy Tale: The Deer Prince ; Not Making the Usual Mistakes - "...if you’re going to write in something resembling a genre, you shouldn’t stifle your voice into what you think the genre requires. [...] But, that said, you owe it to any genre that you respect enough to write in-and, if to no one else, to your poor long-suffering editor who deals with enough crap already-to make sure that you know enough about what you’re writing to know what cliches not to commit." ; The Care and Feeding of Your Artist GoH
theweaselking's Boston doctors duplicate The Berlin Patient, demonstrate a working cure for AIDS in two more cases. ; Blind archer sets first world record of 2012 olympic games - For a given value of "blind" ;
Readercon Board decides that sexual harassment policy doesn't apply to IMPORTANT fans who only harass UNIMPORTANT people.
; Artificial jellyfish built out of rats ; Nicest "cease and desist" letter ever ; Squirmy jello worms ; Common househlod uses for sex toys ; Baby kangaroo and baby wombat are friends (More photos and article)
chaosvizier's flocked Turkish Travelogue: Take Eight! ; flocked Wedding Story
cleolinda's Innitial reports on the shooting in Aurora, Denver ; Review: The Dark Knight Rises
Lucy Lnisely's Tanzania Travelogue Comic [excerpt]
ExtremeTech's The laser-powered bionic eye that gives 576-pixel grayscale vision to the blind
Wondermark's embedded video Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Groovypost's How to permanently delete your facebook profile account
WebMD's Recognizing Female Heart Attack Symptoms
DailyMail's Elephant drinks from a pool as stunned bathers look on - Yes but where?!?

* "It Gets Better", Fun.

actors: misha collins, movies: reviews, tv: supernatural, lj users: ursulav, fandom: art, music, my daily life

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