An upturned tortoise is the ninth most pathetic thing in the entire multiverse.*

Apr 19, 2012 20:29

Not dead, not dead, calm your horses. Some days I don't even remember I have a Livejournal. *sigh* Anyway, nothing new happening. I've sent out a few job applications, haven't heard back from any of them so far but, eh, *fingers crossed* right?

But enough about soul-sucking things. In the list of things that are making me happy I've recenty added Tom Hiddleston (my tumblr tag), because he's a precious ray of sunshine. In the list I have a lot of feels about I've added Loki (my tumblr tag), because of his sibling relationship with Thor, his identity crisis, his "fuck this, I'm going to be evil" snap, and basically all the angst. Shock of shocks, I know. So there's that.

Also I made fanart for Supernatural, The Hunger Games and a Game of Thrones/Thor crossover:

And have a fanmix:

Track List and Link

Links of the Day:
kahesha's Fanvid What Doesn't Kill You

Other Fandom:
tennant_love's Discussion The Minor Character
12_12_12's The Hunger Games trilogy review
wptjeh's New Podcast Episode \o/
The Minor Character (25:25)
MarvelWiki's Loki Laufeyson

sarahtales's Music mix
theweaselking's In Arizona, pregnancy now officially begins BEFORE conception. ; Bruce Spingsteen - London Calling (live) ; Wisconsin repeals law requiring equal pay for men and women, because "money is more important for men", which they know because Ann Coulter said so. ; Easter Bunny vs Alien
XKCD's Lakes and Oceans
GoodReads' Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet: New Essays by Karen Hellekson, Kristina Busse

* TPratchett, Small Gods

actors: david tennant, books: reviews, books, tv: supernatural, actors, fandom: art, fandom: fanmixes, news, fandom: analysis, job hunt, music

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