The internet exploded over the FBI's crackdown on Megaupload as well as on the SOPA and ACTA. See collected Tumblr posts about it
here. Some are informative, some are reactive, and some are just the internet coping. The internet is sinking. Key posts are
Whoa, guys, they just shut down Megaupload and arrested a bunch of people.,
I know that everyone wants to be witty and make an impact when they post about SOPA/PIPA/ACTA, and they mostly talk about the things they won’t be able to watch or listen to, but it’s much more serious than that.,
What is ACTA,
Anonymous Goes On Megaupload Revenge Spree,
Fake new megaupload:, used by Anonymous,
Black March campaign,
Breaking News twitter In other news,
sechat made a fanmix for Time is Running Out because she is awesome.
Someone Must Get Hurt Irony, we has it.
Links of the Day:
mrscastielftw's Review
Time After Timeteand's Review
Time After Time - "Life's an impossible battle against the darkness and it's only going to get worse so let's watch the boys struggle futilely while fully aware their struggle is futile, that the deck is stacked and they can not win is not something I'm particularly interested in. No matter how prettily they suffer. After a while, pretty suffering begins to feel like sideshow sin-eating. "Step right up! See them writhe and weep! Walk away with the cathartic feeling of having responded to suffering that requires you to change nothing at all about how you live your life!""
morganlucas41's Meta
Why does Dean hunt?bloggingchick's
5x02 - Partial Enochian translation - i.e. the graffiti on the boys' ribs
hbics' Fanmix
Not Dead. Just Floating- the-girl-detective-fails' Review Time After Time - "I’m like halfway through the episode and SUDDENLY DEAN WINCHESTER FEELINGS"
- Neraiutsuze's Supernatural Extra Media - Most links with Mediafire versions
etothepii's Fics
Listelobelia's Fic
A Study in Motherfucking ScarletMsLyraGW's Fanvid
Jim Moriarty | Remember the NameNeil Gaiman's
Short Story: A Study in Emerald Random:
cleolinda's Liveblog
Golden Globes ;
Advice to writers regarding reviewschaosvizier's flocked
Turkish Travelogue, Take Seven!theweaselking's
Between 2005 and 2010, a US soldier committed suicide every 36 hours. They're 1% of the population and 20% of the suicides. ;
No Polio in India, in a year ;
Official position of Catholic representative: "I didn't think that child rape was wrong or that 9 year olds couldn't consent. And I didn't see any problem when my parish covered it up and gave me more children to rape, nor did they."Noiseaddicts'
Hearing TestDogwork's Video
Eagle owl at 1000 frames/sec towards the cameraJon Foster's Art
#23Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka on their relationship - ♥
The three deadliest words in the world: It’s a girl.Orgasms solely through penetration * Jon Stewart