Remember how - if you waded through my sea of Tumblr links - there were some links about how there'd been some sort of plot against Misha Collins and fandom instantly went full-on GRR ARGH MAMA BEAR? And remember how I couldn't find out what the plot had been?
It was this. Seriously, that is just mean. Are alright, "mean" doesn't even begin to cover what this is, but I'd probably burn through my keyboard if I tried to write all applicable words down. And I'd probably have an aneurism coming up with them all. I'm just sitting here shaking my head in horror and shame and disgust and THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE HOW I FEEL, OKAY?!?
Also, I made Fanart. Well, picspams. And macros. And "MUST. EXPRESS. FEELINGS." fanart-picspam-quote-meta-man-ape-gone-wrong thing. There's Supernatural, Doctor Who, Stonehenge Apocalypse and Firefly, some of them all mixed up like a Turkey stuffing.
"The Pandorica Opens" of Doctor Who and Stonehenge Apocalypse (SPOILERS).
For the fic collection I'm working on, particularly
Stonehenge Antimony
Quote of the Day: Christpher Paolini, Brisingr (As much as it pains me to quote him and his series - and by gods, it pains me. It's on par with quoting Stephanie Myer for me.)
Perhaps no one religion contains all of the truth of the world. Perhaps every religion contains fragments of the truth,and it is our responsibility to identify those fragments and piece them together.
Links of the Day:
mishacollinsvasiliki's Meta
The Lack of Unconditional Loveinfatuated_ink's Fic
A List of Typos Made by God (Sam/Dean)
heard_the_owl's Fic
Quiet, Cas (Sam/Castiel)
obstinatrix's RPFic
Show of Hands (Jensen/Misha)
orukaz's Fanart
Shameless (Dean/Sam/Dean) - NSFW
daggomus_prime's Fanart
4 Times Sam Walked in on Dean and Cas Having Sex and 1 Time He Didn't - NSFW - ♥ ;
Fanart for
The Bird that Feels the Light ; Fanart
Sexy Kisses - NSFW
ciaranbochna's Fanmix
You're the Storm (Castiel)
juxtaposecolors' Fanmix
I Know You Know (Dean/Castiel)
craww's Fanmix
Pop Blasphemy (Castiel)
Divine, the Series's
YFromg Profile ; Video
Misha in the makeup chairTumblr's
Fuck Yeah Dean/CastielHomeofthenutty's
Screencap GallerySupernaturalCaps'
Screencap GalleryOocities'
Interview: Jesen Ackles (circa 1997)Zap2it's
Interview: Misha Collins, on The Man Who Would Be King and Hope to HaitiIt's Sorcery's
We see your biceps, JensenCrossoverjunkie's
Slayer vs Angel of the LordSoulfisting's
Supernatural-appropriate reaction to Tumblr's changes Doctor Who:
doctorwho's Discussion
River Song: "I've seen whole armies turn and run away." ;
Fictional Doctor Who CoursesSonic Biro's
Screencap GalleryDoctor Who Caps'
Screencap GalleryThedoctorismypatronus'
The Doctor has a unique relationship with each of his companions - Rory's is XD
A Little More Sonic's
Moffat has ideas, and fans guess them (correctly)Tacoface's
New Who Doctors in Drag ;
Gallifreyan Words - Hello, tattoo-I'll-never-get!
Other Fandom:
qthewetsprocket's Review
X-Men: First ClassStonehenge Apocalypse
Transcript - Very rough ;
Screencaps Multifandom:
Screencap GalleryIt's Sorcery's
Reactions to Tumblr's changes, as per fandom Random:
Neil Gaiman's
Useful Stuff, Mostly - Include first page of new story&art collaboration
* Jacob Glaser, Stonehenge Apocalypse