So I just watched my Walking Far From Home fanvid and just realized that somehow, a clip-series was doubled. Like, there is a whole verse that's been doubled. This will have to be rectified. I just... *facepalm* And no one's said anything? I'm going to go hide under a rock in shame now.
Links of the Day:
Atomicblonde's Doctor Who Crossover GIF
That, Doctor, would be our weeping angel - XD ; Fanart
Texts from Supernatural: This is a mass text ; Comic
Dean is allergic to feelings! - XD
A Little More Sonic's Meta
I think what made Season 1 so great was that we really got to know the side characters ; Fanart
When a good man goes to war - Brb crying ; Fanart
He'll rise higher than ever before... ; Doctor Who Crossover Fanart
And here's to the ones who never felt good enough ;
I solemnly swear, as a level-minded, respectful, Supernatural Fan...Its a Zarape Bitch's
Superwho Tag - ♥
-Holyfires' Proposal
Considering the fact that it's the real Jared on Twitter - aka the "Do not be a douchebag on the internet" ; Photo
Closeup - Sebastian & Misha - They're like adorable kittens.
Its Sorcery's Picspam
Jim Beaver through the years ; Comic
Supernatural Tweets With... ;
What is this intense sex hair Dean and Cas have? ; Letter
Dear Doctor Who Fandom - "...everyone knows Superwho shares a more profound bond" ; Comic
You...and Crowley!? - Sam makes me lol, all "Where's the demon?!" ; Omegle
SuperWho Day - "So let’s go on omegle and let’s bro and let’s cry together and let’s make new friends and just. Everything will hurt." ;
Jason Manns tests whether Jared on Twitter is real ; Poster
Jared on Twitter - :D
Doctor Who:
A Little More Sonic's
The Doctor Who Audiobooks Collection - ♥ ;
I want to see Rory having "The Talk" with the Doctor ; Reaction
When the Doctor said, "It's mine" ;
Doctor Who: the new Lost ; Comic
Lol whos plastyk nao? ; Video
David Tennant on inappropriate places to sk for an autograph ; List
Signs that Doctor Who has taken over your lifeTacoface's
Tennant: Not that I've ever kissed Matt Smith ; Music
The TARDIS sings Portal's "Still Alive" (adapted)Oxymoronish'
Let me tell you a little somethin' about Canton Everett Delaware the Motherfucking Third - One word: swag.
Atomicblonde's Supernatural Crossover GIFs
Everything is Superwho and nothing hurtsTumblr's
Texts from the Hub ;
Texts from the TARDIS True Blood:
New Season 4 Trailer Sherlock:
Atomicblonde's Good Omens Crossover
Shut up, angelOxymoronish' Fanart mice Firefly:
FuckYeahFirefly's Video
DragonCon Panel - Moreena, Jewel, Sean, Summer ; Shirt
Serenity Sake ; Tribute Fanvid
Reunion ; "Safe" Meta
The Chinese proverb "a badly carved swan looks like a duck" ; Fanart Comparison
River: dancing = fighting - 0.0 *mind is blown* ; Poster
Firefly Life Lessons ; Photo
Jayne Austen Book & Gun Club, "Pride and Extreme Prejudice ;
The TO DO list, Firefly style - ♥
Serenity Con 2007 - Nathan Fillion surprises Alan TudykCabridges'
The Earlier, Longer Script for SerenityTumblr's
Texts from the FireflyBig Damn Wedding's
Firefly-style wedding - "Capt'n Reynolds and Inara get married on Earth-that-was in front of a Tardis by Princess Leia."
Chris Colgan's
The Death of Utopa: Firefly and the Return to Human Realism in TV SciFiIo9's
Firefrog: Muppts and Fraggles climb aboard Serenity
Other Fandom: Castle
Behind the Scenes Moment - ♥
A Little More Sonic's
Heroes Collection - "You can stop downloading after season 1. Really. No one’s going to blame you." Sad but true.
The Mighty Boosh Collection Multifandom:
Catemonster's Fanvid
Celebrate 'Cause That's All I know - Dance! ♥
25 Geeky Weddings ;
Model shots that look beautiful enough to be paintings - That's ship models.
Horror Movies Collection Random:
This is what the US AIDS epidemic looks like ;
Ten fear responses that make no sense, and why we have them - "A recent study showed that women's tears lowered the testosterone level of men who smelled them." OMG
Les Dandys, a literary conceptWachetauf's Quote
I will love you as... - Lemonu Snicket, The Beatrice Letters * Mal, Firefly