He smothers you with His penguiny love.*

May 05, 2011 23:47

I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave the retelling of today's adventures - with photographs! - to tomorrow and instead leave y'all with a fanmix of songs I put on repeat (why penguins? because, that's why) and links from Monday and Tuesday. Now excuse me, I need to get some shut-eye to wake up in the wee hours to catch the last metro due to Yet Another Goddamn Public Transportation Strike (National Edition). Argh.

Back Cover, Track List, and Download Link

Links of the Day:
princess_schez' Review Mommy Dearest
fandomsecrets' Discussion What would have happened had Castiel been female?
tortsh_coed's Doctor Who Crossover Fic Silence Will Fall - Canton!Crowley FTW
catsintheattic Fic Taking Form - Demon smoke POV FTW!
winchesterhaunt's Fic Big Things, Small Packages
leonidaslion's Fic I Have a Rendevous With Death
fannishliss' Fic Ex Cathedra
immortal_jedi's Fic He's the Boy King for a Reason
rocerchick's Fic Sam's Revelation
zuben_eschamali' Fic Fourteen Seconds
wave_obscura's Fic Dreams You Have In Hell - Oh, Saaaam. *snuggles him*
cloudyjenn's Fic Second Childhood - Baby!Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Also, fluff :)
debbiel66's Fic Killing Time (Resurrected!John)
nanoochka's Fic Something Wrong in the Stars (Dean/Castiel) - My heart, at's all achey.
sakuri69's Fanvid One of My Kind - Dean/Castiel, Bobby/Crowley, Sam/Gabriel, and ever single bromance ever. This means WIN
callme_k's AU Fanvid Intruder (Dean/Lisa, Meg)
prairiedays' Fanart Tell Me Where We Go From Here
ileliberte's Fanart Dogma
xxsafixx's Picspam The Kids Are Alright
gigglingkat' Icons - Frontierland, Cons, and Interviews
morgentau's Icons
e0wyn's Icons (Mommy Dearest) and Wallpapers
Hasitall's GIFs 1x18 - Dean Smiling and Hurt Dean

Doctor Who:
pinkinfinity's Note ...basically, Armstrong ws supposed to say "One small step for a man", but instead, he said "One small step for man..." Initially, NASA and Armstrong said that the word "a" was obscured by static; Doctor Who took that little micromoment and blamed, well, Silence.
glitterfairy25's Meta Thoughts on River Song, Part 1
aareavis' Meta Theory Concerning Schroedinger's Pregnancy
doctorwho's Discussion Concern over it being a "family" show ; Eye-Patch Lady and "I See You" ; The baby photographs ; River's "old fella" ; What is the spacesuit? - Note how Silence in the Library also had someone in a spacesuit? And then the Vashda Narada in it? And it's Silence in the library?
hammard's 21 Mysteries to Ponder for Series 6 - Oooh...*brainsplosion*
tally1302's Meta The Man Who never Would? Ten vs Eleven
benevan's Meta Dawn of the Dream Lord and Planted Pregancies: A Theory
verdande_mi's Review 6x01-6x02
malicehaughton's Review 6x01-6x02
goldy_dollar's Review 6x01-6x02 - GIF for Part 2 is a very accurate and succinct review
boji's Review Day of the Moon
rionaleonhart's Review Day of the Moon
fandomsecrets' Secret of WIN
iamradar's Fanart The Doctor's injection gun - Zydrate comes in a little glass vial...
daisukikawaii's Picspam That awkward moment when you wish you were a gay man: Canton Everett Delaware III - ♥
welshgirl15's Picspam Season 5 Quotes
marylou_gr's Icons - 6x01-6x02
News.Scotsman.com's John Simm Interview: Exile

Other Fandom:
InspectorBoxer's Firelfy/Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Crossover Fic No rest for the Wicked (River/Sarah)

kaydeefalls' Fanvid The Girl Who Falls Down Stairs - Whedon's female characters, or, y'know, the essence of Whedon ♥ so much
db_shotgun_girl's Icons - Supernatural Bones, Alice in Wonderland, Bambi, CSI, Lion King, A Knight's Tale, Lost, Finding Nemo

qthewetsprocket's He Who Battles Monsters - On Osama bin Ladin and people's reactions
ursulav's Of Catharsis and Human Nature - On Osama bin Ladin and people's reactions. Also, ♥
wondermark's Build a Junk Box For All Your Unfinished Projects
lucylou's Art, Books, and Posters
mediocrechick's Picspam BRB, Gonna make my dress for the Met Costume Gala - "I have never in my life seen so many fug-ass dresses in one place/event." The hilarity! The dresses!
BBC Breakfast's Rufus Sewell Interview (13/12/11): Zen
NY Daily News Group of deaf, mute friends stabbed at bar after thug mistakes sign language for gang signs - Get the hell off my planet and out of my species.

* 412 Ways to be Killed by the Penguin of Death (WARNING: contains mild peril), Number 23

fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: dollhouse, art, news, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, tv: tscc, tv: angel, actors: john simm, fandom: fanvids, my fanmixes, tv: btvs, actors, actors: interviews, tv: doctor who, fandom: icons, fandom: crossover, tv: firefly/serenity

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