OMG! Aslksldfkj! Guess who's in the preview for Secret Diary of a Call Girl for next week! Misfits' very own, Iwan Rheon! Lookit! And he's a client!
Meme: 30-Day Fandom vs. Personal Meme:
Day 2: Pick an LJ friend you’d like to get to know more. What character from any of your fandoms do they most remind you of? Research their LJ if you must.
capn_mactastic, who's a darling, and he might be like Secret Diary of a Call Girl's Ben, who is also a darling.
Day 3: Name a character that you like a lot, but your close friend cannot stand.
I don't think there is one, actually.
seschat and I tend to be squee-partners for our shared fandoms, and we both tend to focus on the ♥ side of things.
4. Name a character that you would give to your best friend to marry/gay marry, but secretly want to have for yourself too.
5. When your friend is mad, which character do they remind you of?
6. Character that you feel would not get along with you in reality, whatsoever.
7. Character that you know must be good in bed, even if you wouldn’t sleep with them.
8. Character that is technically attractive, but you just can’t bring yourself to be attracted to them.
9. Which character would you set upon your worst enemy?
10. From any mixture of fandoms, pick your favourite overall character, your favourite villain, and a character you wish would have stayed longer. Now, fuck, marry or kill them.
11. What character is your closest hair twin?
12. Which character would you want to help plan your wedding?
13. Form of transportation from a fandom that you wish you had yourself.
14. Fandom home you wish you lived in yourself.
15. Fandom location you’d most like to visit, even though you couldn’t meet the characters.
16. Character you’d most like to steal underwear from.
17. Character you would never put your close friend in a room with, unless they had done something to make you really hate them.
18. Character you most think would make a great parent (father if you are female, mother if you are male).
19. Listen to the last ballad you remember hearing. Which character does it most remind you of?
20. Pick three favourite characters, each of them spearing currently in a different fandom. One of them has to be killed off from the current fandom you like them in, one of them has to become the star of their fandom, and the other has to be written out completely to never have appeared at all. You decide.
21. Character you’d most like to be for a day.
22. Which character do you think your close friend most looks like?
23. Fandom you wish you could tear down and rebuild from the ground up (recast, change plot etc)
24. Choose your favourite kind of pet. What character most reminds you of that animal?
25. Your stranded on a desert island. Which group of friends from any fandom do you think would be the best to be stuck with?
26. If you had a serious problem, which character would you go to and tell about it?
27. Which character would you trust completely to save you from a tragic fate?
28. Character you think smells yummy, and what do they smell of?
29. One of your favourite pastimes, and which character do you think would enjoy it the most?
30. You get to either have the powers of any character from a fandom, have their looks, or have them be a real person and become your lover. Which/who do you choose?
* Secret Diary of a Call Girl