I have more tag opens than my browser can handle without screaming, but again, no LotD on account of Exhaustion from Transportation. What that entails is my getting up an hour earlier than usual - and working on almost 7 hours of sleep - to catch the 8:30 am metro. Why? Because of the damn strike, that's why.
And what's worse, the metro strike continued until 5 pm, instead of the usual midday break. What that means is that the buses - which were giving reduced service - were a) few and far-between, b) sometimes not even working, depending on the line, and c) tightly-packed horror shows.
It took me 3 hours to get home, when the usual route is 20 minutes. I waited for a bus for an hour, but it never came, nor did any of its friends. So I had a quick bite and waited some more for another bus, which never came, so I started eyeing other buses which could take me part of the way home, at least. I had to let three pass me by on account of my body taking up more space than a toothpick. Finally I got on a bus, squeezing a pole against my ribs so's I could fit, and tried not to freak out overmuch. Then there was more waiting followed by more squeezing into tiny spaces surrounded by what felt like hundreds of people, and then the whole dance of trying to force your way through the packed bus to make it out the door. *collapses*
I'll get around to the LotD tomorrow, but right now I'm going to finish watching Misfits, which is now my darling. ♥ I'd be more eloquent, but I think my brain's about to switch off. Suffice to say, it is Good. (And holy sexyness, batman! 2x03 in particular made me melt.) Oh, alright, a few tiny a number of notes.
Sickle's Review of Misfits, Seasons 1 and 2:
- I love the music, and the montages, and even the ever-present smudged soft focus bits of the screen. And some of the effects - hello sex-on-fire - are brill'.
- It's beautiful watching Simon slowly budding out of his shell, especially sexually. D'aw. He's like Charlie of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I loves it.
- Kelly is Lauren Cooper gone bad and I like it.
- Nathan is absolutely hysterical fun to watch. Although if I ever met him, I'd probably run away crying. Or smack him. Or both.
- I love Kelly and Nathan's friendship.
- Nathan's eyebrows are luscious and wonderfully expressive. But mostly just luscious.
- I'm liking Alisha more in Season 2. Granted, it took us that long to get an Alisha-centric episode, so it wasn't like I had a lot to go on, and I didn't like how she handled her power at the start.
- I liked Kurtis 'cause he seemed the most levelheaded of the group, but Simon's one-upped him. Still like him, though. And his one-sided smile is ♥ I was annoyed, though, that he didn't call Alisha out on the whole, "You raped me with your powers!" thing. Alluded to, yes. Sorta. But then he was all, "But I'm totally game to fuck you!" ETA: Christmas Special ftw! He actually says, "she raped me" and points and all!
- I thought Alisha'd have more Roguelike angst about not being able to be touched, but she seems to be handling it better. Although honestly, girl, why haven't you thought of pantyhose and condoms? And seriously, wear more clothes when at a crowded disco because people will brush up against you and then it'll be a gangrape extravaganza.
- I wonder if anyone's going to find out about how the heart-transplant gave the woman superpowers and start a business in blackmarket super-power organs. It seems like a treasure trove. Like on Angel, whith the black market for Seers eyes and other creatures assorted magical organs. Sure, you might need major surgery, but some people would totally replace their kidney if it gave them to the power to fly or something. Actually, this needs to be an episode. Or a story. ...damn. *jots down plotbunny* One day, I promise.
- I'm not sure how I feel about the timetravel plot line, but I'll forgive it everything for giving me Simon in a) sexy latex biker gear and b) almost nothing at all. Ngh. (Granted, I was all over the button-up look too.)
As a complete aside, the word twat gets thrown around on Misfits, and they pronounce the vowel like hat (maybe more like ha'), which is the way I always thought it was pronounced. But I was listening to
latest, and there they said there was discussion over how twat was pronounced, and the more common pronunciation they were coming up with was twot. Kevin made some comment about Americans just sticking to the first pronunciation they heard because of linguistic ignorance or something along those lines (and I apologize if I'm completely misremembering and misrepresenting here - I'm tired, remember?), which makes sense. Except...
I can't remember ever hearing twot. I've heard it said in a number of UK accents, and as far as I can recall, it's been twat all the way. (And for that matter, I've only heard it said by people from the UK, so I'm taking their way of saying it over potentially-appropriating-slang-words Americans). I don't quite know where I'm going with this, except that twot sounds silly and twa' is where it's at. Fo' shizzle.
* Kelly, Misfits 1x01