Wtf? That's sexist!

Feb 24, 2011 21:32

Sickle's Rant on Sexist Online Shop Choices: At the Threadless website of awesome shirts, at the bottom of the main page, there's a line saying, Chek out a jillion more designs! All very well and good until I see there's two buttons, Shop Guys and Shop Girly.

THIS MAKE SICKLE ANGRY GRR SMASH for two reasons. Firstly, they don't juxtapose "guys" with "gals", or use "boys" and "girls". No. The males get to be called "guys", which is age-indefinite, whereas females get the age-determinate "girls". Why the difference?

But not even that, no. It's "shop girly". What the fuck does that mean, in regards to your shirt designs? Can I only get stereotypically female or sexist shirts if I click that button? Are you preemptively classifying what designs a woman can buy, by only giving certain, "girly" designs in women's sizes?

And what a ridiculous and wasteful way of organizing your designs. Why not put all designs together, and then when I want to purchase them, have me select whether I want a man's large or woman's medium or whatever. know what's even worse? The pages are the same. "Shop guys" and "shop girly" show the same shirts, with the exception that their models are either men or women. Quite apart from my dislike of the product being first presented on a model as opposed to how they used to do it, just showing the shirt design, what's the bloody point of basically posting your catalogue twice?

The whole thing, from buttons to labels to models to navigation and back, I just do not get. No love, Threadless. You're making me post things that sould like they should probably go on wtf_sexism if I were more articulate. But I'm not, and also their user info states, ...then come along those super-special gems of utter misogyny that just make you go WHAT. THE. FUCK. and then punch someone in the face to vent your righteous female anger. That's the kind of thing that needs to be posted here. This, well, this is just the more usual run-of-the-mill sexism. Still, grr. *shakes girly fist*

ETA: Disregard just about everything in the rant: there was vocabulary failure. rex_dart explains what's going on:
Girly tees are a type of tee, otherwise called babydoll. They have cap sleeves and are fitted for women. Threadless offers all designs on both types of shirts; there are no men's or women's designs. The only difference in shopping is that if you pick the girly option, you get to browse while seeing what the designs look like on the babydoll tees, and if you pick the guys' option you see what they look like on standard adult sizes. There can actually be a big difference between the two, especially when it comes to large or all-over designs, since screens cost money to produce and the same ones are generally used on all shirt sizes.

The only actual example of sexism I can see here is arguably in the name babydoll/girly tees. There are also some issues of sizeism in the production of women's tees, since after you get up to a certain cup size or waist size it's hard to find ones that fit and you have to jump to adult sizes, but that's really on the production end and not the fault of t-shirt printers and sellers.

Now it makes more sense. I think I'd heard the terms before, but somehow the way it was presented really made me interpret it a completely different way. However, I'm still not a fan of the names (babydoll and girly) or that the "standard adult" shirt option is apparently the one labeled "guys" (and not something as generic as "standard").

...I don't know why I've been all ranty lately.

ETA 2: Further disregard much of what was in the ETA. rex_dart further explains on what "standard" means. There's so much I didn't know about shirts and sizing!

Also, tomorrow in the afternoon my parents and I are off to Palermo, and I'll be back Sunday night, so the usual "I ain't dead" and "spoiler me and die" caveats apply for the weekend.

And in conclusion, lilithrain's Motivational. Word.

Meme: Good Things:
Day 21: I sent out applications! Four of them!

Links of the Day:
amber3444's Review Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
teand's Review Like a Virgin - Dear PTB ; Dear Jensen ; Dear Jared
strgazr04's Meta S6 Title Card Theory
water_fowl182's Meta Love Hurts - In 3 parts
missyjack's Meta & Discussion Is Dean a Dead-Beat Dad? ; Meta John Winchester: Dead-Beat Dad and Manwhore - I kind of love this meta in all its capslocking goodness because while I love me some John, he really wasn't the best of fathers.
dean_sam's flocked Official Magazine #23
_vampastica_'s Icons
spn_ontheset's Photo Season 3 - Jensen and Green Screen Work - Ouch.
adrenalineshots's Fanart Dean's Ascension from Hell
Bobbinrob01's Photo Op Misha Collins - Oh, the hilarity!
Marotang's Twitvid LA Con, Sunday Panel: Jensen hugs Jim

Doctor Who:
tennant_love's embed Gallifrey One Convention - Peter Davison's Message
lady_with_cats' Fanvid Don't Panic
noblegirl91's Fanvid All You Wanted
io9's Obituary: R.I.P. Nicholas Courtney, Doctor Who's Truest Companion
Doctor Who News' Nebula Nomination for Vincent and the Doctor
The Guardian's Nicholas Courtney, Doctor Who's legendary Brigadier, mourned by fans
Pupukachoo's Threadless Design Doctor-Hoo

Other Fandom:
Blastr' Castle & Firefly 7 Firefly nods Nathan Fillion dropped into Castle
Browncoats' Firefly Fanmovie Browncoats: Redepmtion

lilithrain's Motivationals - Supernatural, Merlin

The Wesleyan Argus' Classics and Comics: Examining the Hero
Zazzle's Shirt Be Nice (Or I Will Stab You)
Brenne Walsh's An Open Letter to the Women who are Telling Me There is Something Wrong With Me Because I'm Not Married - Booya!
Chris Halbeck's Comic Maximumble
Hyperbole and a Half's The Scariest Story - I believe the acronym ROTFLMAO applies.
Drew & Natalie Dee's Comic Married to the Sea

* wtf_sexism, Journal Name

travel, fandom: behind the scenes, comics, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, news, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, my rants, fandom: fanvids, memes, tv: awards, things: coveted, tv: doctor who, tv: castle, fandom: scans, fandom: icons, tv: firefly/serenity

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