I got someone waiting in the car...trunk.*

Jan 14, 2011 22:09

I'm trying to catch up on my To Watch folder, which is just about exploding. I've got things there that I've been meaning to watch since October. *sigh*

I've also got 2 out of 4 fanmixes all done except for the final file formatting. As for the other two, one just needs the songs and the other one (now two volumes) has the songs selected and in a suggested order. So close. I'm listening to one of the mixes now and the sense of accomplishment if very welcomed.

Human Target 2x09 - Imbroglio
  • Show! You're still Show! The previous episodes of Human Target finally being Human Targety wasn't a fluke1 Oh, rejoice!
  • ...squee? Guerrero being all twitterpated with Ilsa's sister-in-law was adorable. You can almost forget the whole "assasin (and then some)" part of him. Also? He's damn smooth. That elevator scene at the end? \o/
  • I love Ilsa's dress. This is a shallow point, I know, but it was truly a goregous dress. I love how the writers are always going, "She's rich! She goes to events! PRETTY DRESSES!" Seriously, they dress Ilsa up gorgeously so often.
  • How amused am I that for the second time they just write Ames out with the flimsiest of excuses? "Oh, she had to cope." "She called in sick (but wasn't)." Very. Highly, even. But seriously, she hasn't fit into the show so far.
  • Carlo Rota! Oh hai! *flaaaaaails* I haven't seen you since Nikita and so missed your dulcet English acce- What?. Russian. You're Russian. Why are you using a Russian accent? How many evil Russians have we had already on this show? Season 1 had the Evil Russian Embassy, Season 2 had the Evil Russian Prison and now this, the Evil Russian Brothers. Seriously, Show, let it go. The world is made up of more than Russia and Mexicanamaruguay, that non-existing Spanish-speaking country "somewhere south of the US" you keep trying to pretend is Mexico or Panama or Uruguay or whatever. We are not convinced.
  • No photographs of the late Mr Pucci? Seriously? Sister-in-law thinks Ilsa's lost sight of her husband's mission because she doesn't have pictures of him in the office? So what you're saying is that if she doesn't make an outward and public showing of her grief, then she's not herself grieving and carrying out her husband's wishes and so forth. Fuck you, lady. If my husband died, I wouldn't want him staring at me at the office. I'd keep his pictures at home where I could soften the blow with booze. And I probably wouldn't even keep them out all the time, either.
  • Chance being all grumpy about Ilsa wanting to save him from Iminent Death, being instead all, "I don't need your help! I'm the operative!" was amusing. Although, newsflash, Chance, this is the Operative, not you. You're a man in dire need of assistance. An exceptionally sexy man when wet - and honestly, how can I say no to the explosive maths of "man inna suit" and "man who's wet"? Ngh. Also, I kind of loved his hair when it was all wet and plastered. I am curious, however, as to why he wasn't dripping for the rest of the episode. Did he stand under the hand dryer in the bathroom for ages?
  • The chandelier. Called it. They couldn't have been more Chekhov's Gun about it.
  • Guerrero really loved shaking the rifle or whatever it was at Ilsa and her sister-in-law. Adorable.

Human Target 2x10 - Cool Hand Guerrero
  • Show! You just keep on getting better! Why are we getting news of your imminent death now, right when you're back on Hilariously Awesome Mode?
  • I was very, very disappointed that Guerrero never mentioned again how he hated prisons, or said why. Continuity, not so hot. (Guerrero doing chin-ups? Hot.)
  • Continuity was smokin' however, with the reveal of the "little one". And thank all the gods it wasn't Ames. I was half-expecting her to say that the photo was of her, but no. Phew!
  • Ames is unrealistically fast opening locks. Seriously unrealistically.
  • I loved how the whole team realized they basically knew nothing about Guerrero. (Except for Chance, obviously.) "We know he wears glasses." \o/
  • I don't buy the use of "El Do" as the combination lock. Come on, how hard is it to use four numbers that aren't significant or in code? I do it and I'm not a paranoid hitman supergenius! Ugh.
  • I loved all the fight scenes. I loved the episode. I am the happiest little thing ever over this show right now it's ridiculous.
  • ETA: The fight and confrontation between Chance and Guerrero was possibly everything I could've hoped it to be. It didn't have the roundhouse kick from Season One's fight, but there was a lot of arm-wrenching and, oh yeah, emotional interaction. \o/ Although I can't believe that this season's magic words, "Trust me," (as pointed out by the wptjeh podcast) actually worked on Guerrero. I'm going to need a lot of character-study fic for that scene and its

* Guerrero, "A Problem Like Maria", Human Target

tv: human target, fandom: analysis, my fanmixes

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