The sound of four-feet trotting behind*

Sep 22, 2010 18:57

It's dad's birthday today, so it's booze and gluttony day! It'll be my birthday on Sunday, and we will undoubtably also revel in food and drink.

I will not, however, revel in Supernatural. "What kind of fuckery is this?" you might say. Well, my parents and I are taking a long weekend off to drive south and be tourists. We'll leave Friday afternoon and be back on Monday afternoon.

What does that mean? It means 1) spoil me and die, 2) squee with me about the premiere come Tuesday or so, yes? seschat, we can has comment thread?

In other news, I might just have fallen in love with one of the local stray cats of our neighbourhood. Y'all might remember Greebo, the one-eyed, canine-lacking, white-and-grey, affectionate stray that hangs around my apartment building meowing, "Pet me! Pet me!"

Well, he was there today, meowing hello, and I dutifully petted and scritched and rubbed to the soundtrack of delighted purring. Then I walked off to take the metro and my heart promptly melted because Greebo followed me, trotting behind and around and in front. It's so heartwarming to have a little furry thing walk beside you ♥ He followed me for over half a block, then sat down and watched me go. Oh, Greebo, if I had a home and money, I'd take you in right quick.

This afternoon, when I got back home, there he was, splayed out in a doze. The petting was resumed, now with belly rub! And at one point I was scratching his neck and chest and Greebo just lay in blissed-out stillness. ♥ so much.

30 Days of Doctor Who: Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor

Paterson Joseph for the win.

image Click to view

Although, I wouldn't say no to Catherin Tate being the Doctor if only we could fix that nasty bit of heart-breaking canon. Doctordonna for the win!

Coming Up
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

30 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic

Too many! I'm not one for deciding on favorites! Here are a few memorable ones from my list of memorables.

ygrawn's And the Complications You Could Do Without (Sam/Dean)
teand's Familiar Admonishments (Dean/John)
leonidaslion's Suite!Verse Series, One Going On Eternity, The Bright Lights of Disturbia, The Fetters of Fenrir (and Timestamps) - (all Sam/Dean)
fleshflutter's The Incestuous Courtship of the Antichrist's Bride (fayjay's Audiobook is ♥)
audrarose AU RPF So Close to My Heart (Jared/Jensen)
tracy_loo_who's And I Will Walk on Water (Dean/Castiel)

Coming Up:
Day 30 - Anything SPN related?

40 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 29 - Would you rather prefer the idea of separate not so many hunters or large branched net of them existing just from the beginning of times developed in the show later

Why can't we have both?

Some hunters were born into the world, sons and daughters of hunters, while others fell into the world when someone or something tried to kill them or their loved ones. Some meet others on the hunt - "Hey, you're investigating this too?" - some never recognize each other beyond their fake IDs, some talk about hunts over a couple beers, some occasionally join up into groups to take down the big monsters, some think they're all alone in the fight, some know no-one who isn't a hunter.

It could be such a fascinating world!

Coming Up:
Day 30 - What else might be added (developed or gifted) to the brothers skills of hunters if we speak about them as hereditary hunters from one of the most famous family of hunters in America?
Day 31 - Your ideal SPN ending?
Day 32 - Favorite death/body explotion (bad guy/zombie/demon)?
Day 33 - Favorite Dean eating moment?
Day 34 - Favorite hug?
Day 35 - Favorite Castiel scene? Favorite Bobby scene?
Day 36 - Favorite con?
Day 37 - Favorite Jared movie/other show?
Day 38 - Favorite Jensen movie/other show?
Day 39 - If you were a director who you would like to direct (Jared or Jensen) and what kind of movie?
Day 40 - What kind of movie/tv show would you like to see Jared and Jensen star in after SPN ends?

Links of the Day:
hitlikehammers's Fic The Hundred Years' War - "The story of Sam Winchester’s long, hard road out of Hell, back to his brother, and back to himself."
leonidaslion's Beserker!Verse Fic Prayer - \o/
gwendolynd's Fic Changing Channels, Skipping Songs
icarus_chained's Good Omens, Norse Myth Crossover Fic You Break It...
ash48 & maichan808's Fanvid Fun with Real Audio: Advertisement Edition - Teeny tiny SPOILER from Season 6 Promo. Made of win.
bad__faith's Fanvid Bones of the Rabbit
mercury_c's Fanvid Safe and Sound (The Impala)
huf_girl's Fanvid Grief
sakuri69's Fanvid Cross My Heart (Demon!Dean/Fallen!Castiel)
sammyknuddel's Fanvid Komm zu mir (Come to Me)
stella_down's Fanart Sadface - Yes! A thousand times yes!
petite_madame's Chibi Fanart Dean, do we really have to shoot him? - ♥
apieceofcake's Fanart Swan Song Graphics, Part 1, Part 2
deirdre_c's Photo: Young Jared
dean_sam's flocked Sera Interview - SPOILERS ( Source A, Source B)
deadflowers5's Rising Con Videos Jared and Jensen's sunday panel, Jensen's sunday panel, Jared's sunday panel

lolis65's Picspam Season Finales

Doctor Who:
dwrewatch's Discussion Love and Monsters: Jackie Tyler
drbanner's Fanvid Marching On (Master, Doctor)

True Blood:
trueblood-lj's flocked Word of the Day Calendar Discussion

Human Target:
wptjeh's Discussion: Season 1 Special Features (with Guerrero spoiler)
TVOverMind's 2x01 Ilsa Pucci Advance Review - \o/...?

qthewetsprocket's Fic Recommendations

Other Fandom:
mediocrechick's Picspam Harry Potter and Strutting Leo
greygirlbeast's "snazzy-looking ad for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon"
unforseen_77's scans David Tennant Interview from Romeo and Juliet, The RSC Shakespeare
brokenwingz24's T: TSCC Fic Pretty Girl - Tiny and illegible font is tiny and illegible.
Team Starkid's Shirts - Included A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel
Facebook's Photo Gallery: Hamlet with John Simm

cloudytea's Non-Canon Couple Ficathon
hellybongo's Icons - Lost, Supernatural
odd_one_around's Icons - Glee, True Blood
The Roadhouse - Transcripts!

theweaselking's Steampunk Rhino!
ursulav's Podcast: Prepackaged Food!
auroraprimavera's Workshop Grammar in Fanfic - English tips, starting off with the shocking "In the English language there are 12 verb tenses".
extemporanea's embed OK Go's WHite Knuckles
lucylou's New video, new puppets (and how to make them), new stuff!
marika_kailaya's rant Black people sustain themselves soley on fried chicken and watermelon - "but heeeeere's an idea, folks: until your teensy weensy brain cells man the FUCK up and even try to start figuring out that all these things are stereotypes [...] you can stop reusing your tired fucking badly-told "gay guys are girly!" and "secretly SHE! was a HE!" jokes"
theweaselking's Europe According to France - Bwuahaha!
trailer_spot's New York 2010 Day 5 Part 2: Greenwich Village, Squares, Flatiron Building, Gormleys
Whythatsdelightful's Hero of the Day: Response to question on Ryan Commission Reporta - ;_;
Dolphin snot offers less painful source of DNA
Oddly Specific - Signs made of win
ZOMGitsCriss' Screw the Pope, Help MSF - Where MSF is Doctors without Borders (Medicins sans frontiers)
Wiki's The Giver (novel)

RKipling, "Four-Feet"

actors: david tennant, tv: supernatural, writing, fandom: art, wildlife, tv: behind the scenes, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, actors: john simm, human rights, tv: transcripts, books, actors: interviews, language: english, tv: clips, fandom: fic, books: harry potter, art, tv: human target, fandom: picspam, tv: tscc, lj users: ursulav, religion, fandom: fanvids, my daily life, memes, photographs, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, fandom: crossover, tv: sherlock, tv: lost, authors: hp lovecraft

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