And on Thursdays we're teddy bear doctors. *

Aug 05, 2010 14:52

I've promised to join a socializing even this afternoon (mainly because if I dare to be home instead of there when mom gets back, she'd freak). Considering I woke up at 11, was still in a state of undress at 1 pm and now, at 3 pm, have yet to consider lunch, I think this is about enough progress as can be made today.

I made fanmixes. Lots and lots of fanmixes.

( Back Cover, Track List, and Download Link )

( Back Cover, Track List, and Download Link )

( Back Cover, Track List, and Download Link )

( Back Cover, Track List, and Download Link )

30 Days of Doctor Who: Day 09 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad

Words cannot express how angry and upset I am at her fate in Journey's End. As The Medium's Review puts it: "The death of ambition and character development. The return of a character to the ordinary, without the memory of what she'd done. A life wasted. The end of one of the best companions the show's had. Now that's something to cry about."

Day 01 - Your Favourite Quote: Multiple
Day 02 - Your Favourite Classic Series Episode
Day 03 - Your Favourite New Series Episode
Day 04 - Your Favourite Doctor
Day 05 - Your Favourite Companion
Day 06 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy: Knitting!
Day 07 - Your Favourite Piece of Music
Day 08 - A Who-Related Photo That Makes You Happy

Coming Up
Day 10 - A Who-Related Photo That You Took
Day 11 - Your Favorite Season (Classic or New)
Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 13 - Your Favorite Villain
Day 14 - The Villain Who Scared You the Most
Day 15 - Favorite Who-Related Tumblr
Day 16 - Your Favorite Who-Related FanFic
Day 17 - A Piece of Who-Related FanArt
Day 18 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 19 - The Scene That Made Your Cry the Most
Day 20 - The Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 21 - Your Doctor Who OTP
Day 22 - A Who-Related Fan-Site
Day 23 - A Who-Related YouTube Video
Day 24 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Day 25 - Favorite Who Actor
Day 26 - Favorite Who Actress
Day 27 - An Episode You Wish Hadn’t Been Made
Day 28 - An Episode Idea You Created Yourself
Day 29 - Who You Think Should Be the Next Doctor
Day 30 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

30 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 9 - Your favorite Dean death scene

Mystery Spot's mauled-by-Golden-Retriever and Nightmare's shot-through-the-head share the spot for most amusing and most distressing. I know Nightmare was actually a vision, but it's the first and only Dean-death to really hit me.

Day 1 - Your favorite character
Day 2 - Your least favorite character
Day 3 - Your favorite season
Day 4 - Your least favorite season
Day 5 - Your favorite episode
Day 6 - Your least favorite episode
Day 7 - Your favorite Dean crying scene
Day 8 - Your favorite Sam crying scene

Coming Up:
Day 10 - Your favorite Sam/other death scene
Day 11 - Your favorite quote
Day 12 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related?

40 Days of Supernatural Meme: Day 9 - Best fight in the show?

I don't remember all the fights, but I remember enjoying Asylum's crazy!Sam vs. Dean for the emotional aspect (more than When the Levee Breaks), although sure, it's mostly talk, but there's shots fired and fist punching, so it counts (here) and Bloodlust's Gordon vs. Dean for the whoop-ass aspect (here).

Day 1 - What character would you like to see return from the dead?
Day 2 - Which season has your favorite storyarc?
Day 3 - What's your favorite "sonofabitch!" moment?
Day 4 - What scene you thought should have gone differently?
Day 5 - Best or favorite fake ID/disguise?
Day 6 - Character/actor who appeared as guest you'd like to see come back to SPN and hasn't died?
Day 7 - Which guest actor would you most like to see appear on SPN? (who hasn't been on the show already) And what kind of role would you like to see them play?
Day 8 - If you had to choose some song for Sam, Dean, Sam/Dean what it would be?

Coming Up:
Day 10 - Best WTF moment?
Day 11 - Favorite motel room?
Day 12 - Favorite clothes?
Day 13 - Favorite episode for each season?
Day 14 - Favorite storyline within the overall storyarc?
Day 15 - What's your favorite smiling moment?
Day 16 - What's your favorite Supernatural weapon?
Day 17 - Bravest minor character?
Day 18 - What demon would you like to see again, bad or good?
Day 19 - Favorite brotherly moment?
Day 20 - Favorite gag reel snippet?
Day 21 - What kind of plot do you prefer: Old school or the Apocalypse Arc?
Day 22 - A moment you felt pissed and wanted to hit Sam and Dean for their decicions?
Day 23 - Your favourite Monster of the week?
Day 24 - Character from another show you'd most like to see guest on SPN
Day 25 - Favorite kiss/love/sex scene?
Day 26 - Show you'd most like Dean or Sam to guest star on?
Day 27 - Favourite writer/director?
Day 28 - what other supernatural creatures you would like to see Dean and Sam to deal with?
Day 29 - Would you rather prefer the idea of separate not so many hunters or large branched net of them existing just from the beginning of times developed in the show later?
Day 30 - What else might be added (developed or gifted) to the brothers skills of hunters if we speak about them as hereditary hunters from one of the most famous family of hunters in America?
Day 31 - Your ideal SPN ending?
Day 32 - Favorite death/body explotion (bad guy/zombie/demon)?
Day 33 - Favorite Dean eating moment?
Day 34 - Favorite hug?
Day 35 - Favorite Castiel scene? Favorite Bobby scene?
Day 36 - Favorite con?
Day 37 - Fave Jared movie/other show?
Day 38 - Fave Jensen movie/other show?
Day 39 - If you were a director who you would like to direct (Jared or Jensen) and what kind of movie?
Day 40 - What kind of movie/tv show would you like to see Jared and Jensen star in after SPN ends?

Links of the Day:
leonidaslion's Fic Fumbling in the Dark: Unreliable (Crossroad Blues)
Hasitall's GIFs 1x04, 1x05, GIFs 1x04
Supernatural Wiki's Jo Harvelle's Journal

Doctor Who:
theweaselking's The Doctor GIF: Old Spice Commercial

spittingfish's Icons - Veronica Mars, Star Wars, Shrek 2, The OC, The It Crowd, Harry Potter, Human Traffic, Skins, Cruel Intentions
lidia_elf's Icons - White Collar, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Life Unexpected

Ben Walker's Website - Music

* Dean Winchester

fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, memes, fandom: art, tv: doctor who, fandom: icons, actors: john simm, music, my fanmixes

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