God exists, if only in the form of a meme with high survival value*

Jul 25, 2010 20:05

I went to the beach yesterday, and we all went to the beach today. Still have those damned tan-lines, but I think they're fading. And yesterday I wrote a good bit for the Doctor Who meets Stonehenge Apocalypse crack story, although I apparently tend towards serious and long-winded crack. *sigh*

I'm currently playing Echo Bazaar (Wikidot entry) ( Read more... )

language: chinese, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, fandom: analysis, tv: trailers, actors: jackie e haley, actors: jensen ackles, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, my fics, tv: btvs, tv: torchwood, books, memes, actors: interviews, fandom: fanmixes, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman

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seschat July 25 2010, 19:38:55 UTC
\o/ Meme win!

I'm actually really looking forward to you answering all those questions, so it too counts as content!

If you wondering where I've been -- my laptop broke down again, yes. And I missed you horribly! However, it does seem like my subconscious knows what is good for me after all, since I had two very nice dreams of you. Not that I remember what happened or anything, just that it was fluffy and cuddly and awesome, hee. ♥

(Also, fanmix away! I don't think 20 songs are too many, there's no such thing! :D)


bending_sickle July 25 2010, 20:26:19 UTC
*glomps you hard* I've missed you too! And I find it adorably charming that you had fluffy dreams of me ♥

And yeah, the least I can make the fanmix is 19 (i.e. taking out the bonus). But that's a huuuge accomplishment if you consider the pages and pages of songs I had first listed as possibles.

In sum: ♥


seschat July 26 2010, 16:56:39 UTC
*smiles* My brain clearly recognizes you as a superior provider of all things schmoopy, is all. ♥

Aw, do I know the struggle with the elimination of possible-but-not-quite-fitting songs that try to sneak their way into a mix - however, I am prepared to break my laptop (again) with any amount of fanmixes you want to compile, so if you ask me, go crazy! ;)

*runs off to continue her Torchwood ficlet* *self-important cough*

Aaaand... me being random:

  • "David! *whispers* I've got cake!"
  • Awful singing (but mostly John Barrowman and David Tennant being dorks)
  • *rewatches and snickers herself silly* And you should as well! :D
  • What? What?! *insert Doctor voice* Watching this just became relevant to my interests all over again!
  • Reply

    bending_sickle July 26 2010, 19:17:14 UTC
    ♥! Links of win! Oh, I love the ice cream clip :D

    Also - and you knew this was coming - *gimme Torchwood ficlet gimme gimme gimme*


    seschat July 27 2010, 12:08:16 UTC
    Nah, I'm much too terrified to post it, ever, but it's still fun! ;)

    *showers you with hearts* ♥

    (Also, apropos of nothing, I'm currently outraged over a guy from my class who claims that DT is - get this - ugly. *shudders* I suspect he might be partially blind.)

    Sorry for the deleted comment, grammar surprise and all.


    bending_sickle July 27 2010, 14:13:27 UTC
    Nah, I'm much too terrified to post it, ever, but it's still fun! ;) - What? What?!?

    ... )


    seschat July 27 2010, 19:07:49 UTC
    Well, I, for one, find David gorgeous, but if anyone is being childish, it's definitely me. You wouldn't believe how much it grates me if someone disrespects, yeah, my fangirlish obsession of choice - I actually, sort of, understand it as a personal affront. No, really. I can get a little scary. *grins sheepishly* But, hey, someone's gotta defend my honour, right?

    ... )


    bending_sickle July 28 2010, 14:27:54 UTC
    Evgeny Kissin? I believe you meant Keyboard Cat. Seriously, that's me.

    But come on, darling,

    ... )


    bending_sickle July 28 2010, 14:29:05 UTC
    Okay, I might apologize for huge first image.


    seschat August 2 2010, 18:03:43 UTC
    You are not allowed to apologize for anything since your reply in its entirety filled me with huge amounts of joy! :D

    And you're right, of course, about everything. This was just me, being silly. And if you want, I will share my fic from now on - if I ever finish the blasted thing, anyway, procrastinators united and all.

    Also, I'm really sorry about how you won't get to read my Nano now at all, even though I promised. :/ I'm not sure whether I pimped out the cover to you yet, but since it's possibly the only thing not lost in regard to my Nano, I hope it's all right with you if I indulge myself a little, (idiot that I am).

    ... )


    bending_sickle August 3 2010, 08:14:02 UTC
    Yes! Share fic! \o/

    And no, you never did pimp out the Nano cover, and can I just say? Totally awesome cover :D Poor Sam totally looks like he's been having migraines and been run over and set on fire and *tries to remember everything else that you made happen to him* I mourn the loss of your Nano, though. Although...you could write a short story version! A sort of summery of the plot? With, like, italics and parentheses in the narrative being all, "Look, there was more, okay, but Sammykins would rather not remember all that." Or just tell me what the whole story was going to be. (Why yes, I am very curious and tenacious!)


    seschat August 3 2010, 19:02:13 UTC
    *dances around* Thank you! I might be able to salvage the fanmix cover and the fanmix itself as well, but we'll see. The fanmix rocked!

    And I did think about writing this short story version of my Nano, but I don't feel very connected to SPN at the moment, I don't know. :/ Maybe I will? If I do, you'll be the first I share it with, muahar. Also, I believe you mostly got all the things right that I tortured Sam with. Poor Sammykins, indeed. *pets*

    Apropos of nothing, having to get up at 5.15 in the bloody morning sucks. What the hell were I thinking, accepting this stupid job?!? So much for holiday and relaxing before school starts up again.

    /whiny rant

    Love you! *huggles*


    seschat August 3 2010, 19:04:42 UTC
    Also, I don't believe I've told you yet how much I adore all the Doctor Who quotes you posted.

    *smiles happily*


    bending_sickle August 3 2010, 19:25:31 UTC
    5:15 am is not time for a human being crawling out of bed, moaning and groaning and shaking their fist at the universe. (If you are not moaning, groaning or shaking your fist, why then you just have to hand in your humanity card right this instant, freak. ♥) Do they at least give you free muffins?

    And yes! Fanmix! And short story version of Nano! *downs you in pompoms and enthusiasm*



    seschat August 6 2010, 20:48:03 UTC
    Tsk - ye of little faith! I need an extra loud alarm and two back-up ones to wake up, and one unrelenting mother storming into the room at the latest possible moment to drag me out of bed with her own two hands. And I don't get even free muffins! (However, I do have to serve these pieces of fancy FANCY cake in the café, but they are ridiculously easy to mess up. If I do, I'm allowed to eat them. Heh! Ulterior motive much... ?)



    bending_sickle August 7 2010, 14:02:22 UTC
    Dinosaurs! Eeeeeee!

    So are the fancy cakes actually good enough to "accidentally" mess up?


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