If the wolves come out of the walls, it's all over.*

May 06, 2010 22:39

Yesterday's Italian class was only revision, revision, revision, with an extra dash of exercises. Today's class was canceled because our substitute had to be somewhere's or something or whatever, he has his own schtick, and our real teacher is still sick, or "sick" or whatever. So we'll recoup the 3 missing hours by adding on some fifteen or so minutes after every class that's coming up. Right... Our real teacher better have been damn sick, because this is all very unprofessional. And expensive, did I mention that?

So instead of going to class, I spent the morning writing a cover letter for a position as a consulting scientist here in Rome, did some exercises and then, after lunch, mom and I took a walkabout and came back with fruit.

There's random thumping and tapping coming in through the walls - tap tap thud - which is making me tense up into a really annoyed little ball that can't think straight, hence this lopsided entry. The wolves are in the walls, eh? Shoot them dead.

And now, Lost. Die, you thumping, tapping bastard, die!

Links of the Day:
Ashes to Ashes / Life On Mars:
qthewetsprocket's Meta Seeing stars, and a guess
io_aenaria's Meta Musings on music in 3x04
x5649's Fanmix Take A Look At The law Man (Sam)

ack_attack's The Candidate Afterparty, Mini-Recap and Discussion
cleolinda's Discussion Post
henrygalelovers's Discussion Post
Benry Knows Best: Rescue 911

missyjack's Meta I'll Never Turn to the Dark Side
amonitrate's Meta On Dean's trust of Sam in 5.18-5.20 ; Meta The scorpion and the frog? On Crowley in SPN 5x20
ash48's Meta Dean's To Do List
secretlytodream's Fanvid Not As We
kimmy_dreamer's Picspam Supernatural Generswap
mydearheart's Devil You Know Icons
iwantpie's Manip Iron Man Dean
leonidaslion's Fic Fumbling in the Dark: Overide (Bugs)

True Blood:
trueblood_tv's flocked Lastests Promo Poster: Vamp Stamp

watchfic_dir's Good Omens Crossover Ashes ; Doctor Who Crossover The Symmetry of Entangled Pairs ; Untitled (Bubstastis learns to talk.)

mediocrechick's Icons - Adventure Time, Drunk History, Glee, Supernatural
crystalchain's Icons - Doctor Who, Supernatural, 30 Seconds to Mars, Muse
myrasis' Icons - Supernatural, Castle, Community

Other Fandom:
tracy_loo_who's Misha Collins Photo Squee and Nathan Fillion Squee
wptjeh's Nightmare On Elm street (2010) Interview: Becoming Freddy Kreuger
qthewetsprocket's squeeful linking of filming of the thriller Mad Dogs, set in Spain, with Philip Glenister, Max Beesley, John Simm and Marc Warren
queenanthai's Well, That's How To Alienate A Fanbase - BBC's Hamlet (Tennant who?) and other fandoms.
fandomsecrets's On Disworld's Death and his comfort
YouTube's Extended Serenity Gag Reel

* The Wolves in the Walls, NGaiman

actors: misha collins, actors: david tennant, music: lyrics, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, movies: watchmen, fandom: picspam, fandom: fanvids, authors: terry pratchett, tv: ashes to ashes, fandom: fanmixes, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, fandom: meta, tv: castle, tv: life on mars, tv: lost, tv: firefly/serenity

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