Walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards*

Mar 04, 2010 23:15

Well, I'm back from my brief escapade to Spain. I've got about a week before I run off to southern France to ski with some 400 other international students (pray for me, oh flist, if you're the praying type).

So I say Spain, but I mean a wee spot here and another there.
Places visited: 4 (Bareclona, Cubelles, Burgos, Villaveta)
Maximum travel time in 24 hours: 9 hours

I have family in two of those four places, with friends in Barcelona. Barely anyone lives in the last place, what with it having had less than 10 year-round residents a few years ago, and my Gran, who lived there for years and years, being dead. In total, I visited my uncle and aunt in one place and my uncle and great aunt in another. My mom flew up a few days after I'd arrived. I also saw the friends-of-the-family who helped me out so much when I was living in Barcelona, and at whose company I worked.

No one really made a fuss of me, despite my not having seen them in almost two years or gods only know, and then I couldn't participate in conversations because I didn't know the situations or people or anything, so there I was all invisible for days on end. Yay.

The main purpose of my visit was not, as one might suspect, pleasure. (To say nothing of business, as I am officially in the unemployed camp, having been evicted from the student one.) The main purpose was health, because government-sponsored health insurance really is a good thing.
Medical visits: 4
Doctors seen: 4
Nurses seen: 3
X-rays had: 2
Surgeries (laser) had: 1
Prescriptions given: 2

It's a good thing I'm of good health! My very first medical visit was just after landing: my back's just fine - alright, it has a tiny little deviation, but it's perfect. My eyes see about as well as they used to, so no new prescriptions are needed. My skin's insane because it's insane and maybe I can beat it into submission, but until it rolls over all exposed-underbelly, I'm going to have to go around wailing, "Mah face! Mah poor face!"

My right eye, however, is stupid, what with another tiny little retinal tear which needed laser surgery. As I said before in 2007, laser surgery on your retina is not fun. It's quick, it's easy, but it leaves you with massively dilated pupils, anesthetized eyeballs and eyelids (which feels very strange) and a dull ache in the back of your eye. To say nothing of the stinging pinprick of "Oh hai! I iz lasering ur eye!" Although, to be fair, the laser is an awesome green...

The jobhunt continued in Spain, with a few more applications. I heard back from something quite interesting - a job as a medical/technical writer for a communcations agency. They wanted me to write a 500 word test (a fake editorial emphasizing the wonders of the two-dose schedule of the Hep.A and Hep. B vaccine for kids, rather than the 3-dose one). It took a bit of work to write - especially since I hadn't taken my laptop and needed to juggle computer time and "Oh hai, we need to do other stuff!" time, and we delayed our trip to Burgos by one day. Anywho, sample sent and application rejected. *sigh*

In other news, I'm working on the Links of the Day. I've got a massive list of links stored in a private post, so if you think this batch is long, just think what I've got under Supernatural!

In further other news, I'm coming down with a cold. Yay.

Quote of the Day: Sarah Brightman
I am not quite sure where home is right now. I do have places in London and Milan, and a house in Spain. I guess I would say home is where my mother is, and she lives in Spain.

Links of the Day:

heroes_macros's Macros
heroes_meta's 4x19 "Brave New World" ; 4x18 "The Wall"
pdlf's Cogs in Motion (Peter/Sylar, Sylar/OC) ; Borrowing More Than Clothes (Peter/Sylar)
zqfans's ZQuinto Watches Two Girls, One Cup GIF
cadesama's Meta Nerdiness: The Demographics of the Heroes Universe

watchmen_lulz's Lub!
watchfic_dir: Anon's New Engulfed (Someone's having a stressful first-time) ; Minor Irrittations (Rorschach annoys the hell out of Dan, odd couple style) ; Anon's Pandora Subdued (Dan pulls Rorschach's mask off. No warning. No permission.) ; Anon's Two in One (Walter/Dan/Rorschach porn; Rorschach and Walter were split into two people)
i_am_your_spy's squee on snarkitysnarks' Pros Arch Opening Theme
bakaknight's Watchmen/Sandman Crossover Fic I'm Dead, Aren't I?

Jackie Earle Haley (Human Target, Nightmare on Elm Street, Shutter Island)
humantarget_tv's 1x06 Lockdown Discussion
jeh_fans's JEH's Nightmare on Elm Street On Set Interview
wptjeh's Human Target Episode Discussion ; Nightmare on Elm Street Poster ; Mental Patients Review Shutter Island ; JEH Tweet and Behind the Scenes video of Shutter Island ; Picspam Dollman ( GIF of GUH and Icon of GUH) ; Nightmare on Elm Street Trailer 2 ; Night on Elm Street Interview and GIFs ; WPTJEH Podcast - Discussion on Human Target 1x05 and 1x06 ; Human Target Comic Tie-In Issue 1: Guerrero Scene
queenanthai's reaction to the new NOES trailer

otherpictures's Icons
an_ardent_rain's Picspam Topher!Face

Life on Mars
aqueousserenade's Fanart Sam and Gene Doodles
talkingtothesky's Fic Amsterdam
argyle4eva's Fic Why Martians Make Better Lovers
dorsetgirl's Fic Lonely at Christmas (The Phone Call)

melissa_pbfan's Icons - Dollhouse, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Smallville, Summer Glau
aka_katya's Icons - Dollhouse, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Shirley Manson
mediocrechick's Icons - Lost, Supernatural, Twilight
julie_izumi's Icons - True Blood, Doctor Who, Robin Hood
sjlnechnaia's Icons - Disney's Pocahontas, Firefly, Dollhouse, Sense and Sensibility, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Lost

* Leonardo da Vinci

travel, my jobhunt, fandom: fic, fandom: art, tv: dollhouse, movies: watchmen, tv: heroes, tv: human target, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, actors: jackie e haley, tv: tscc, family, actors, tv: true blood, tv: life on mars, movies, fandom: icons, tv: lost, tv: firefly/serenity

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