The night begins before the sun even sets*

Feb 14, 2010 22:42

I kinda drowned in Dodo-down today :(

Mom called and I was all a-wibble and bitter and that made for a bad conversation, not that we talked about anything important, just about stuff I need to pack for Spain and stuff like that. The Emergency Kleenex by my desk was needed, and I crawled under my covers for a while after the call to settle down and stop being a sad wet mop.

I cleaned the house whilst listening to the Blending In podcast for Human Target, which is one awesome podcast. Then I wandered off to the Hague where I, well, wandered. It was freakishly cold and snowing and everything was closed, so nothing much came out of that.

My brother called - he couldn't get a hold of my Great Aunt, who's birthday it is today - and apparently wanted to see how I was doing or something ridiculous like that. We didn't say much to each other, so that was another wibble-fest right there.

I'd meant to watch The Box but that meant I had to while away three or so hours until the movie's showing time - walking around in circles and finally finding a cafe where I could sit and sip and almost-wibble for an hour - and when I got the the theatre, the ticket booths weren't working and whole place was so freakin' crowded that I just said, "Fuck it, let's go home."

Watchmen Live-Post with seschat: Highlights of the epic 171 commentfest and plotbunnies that need corralling.

seschat and I had been planning on watching Watchmen together - through comments - for a while now, and finally got everything right so we could embark on this epic foray.

In a world where there's three different cuts of the movie (original release, director's cut and ultimate cut), we were lucky enough to both have the same version. Sort of... (The Castiel voice - otherwise known as the Batman voice - refers, of course, to Rorscach's raspy growl.)
bending_sickle: When you say German version, please please please don't mean dubbed! The Castiel-style voice won't be the same!
seschat: It's dubbed. :( Sorry! :( [...] I'm also in mourning of the Castiel voice.

bending_sickle: Omg, you're not getting sexy!JDM voice! You're getting German!dub!voice D: Woe!
seschat: NOOOOOOOOO! I want sexy!JDM!voice! :(

Sometimes, even the most avid fan can fail to spot an actor. Case in point, the following exchange occurs:
seschat: But there's Jeffery Dean Morgan? :D
bending_sickle: Papa Winchester makes everything better :D
seschat: Definitely ;)

But it isn't until about an hour later, that this happens. (See? Those masks are effective! I love you, seschat!)
bending_sickle: How do you feel about Papa Winchester now?
seschat: There wasn't any Papa Winchester yet? [...] Oh. My. God. The Comedian is Papa Winchester?!?!?!

seschat: Have you ever noticed that Rorschach composes his diary entries in a very Bridget Jones-esque style? *coughs* ;)
bending_sickle: *endless sporfle* Today was v. good. Still on diet (beans). Dying for a cigarette, but voice is starting to be weird. Still no boyfriend. Will be spinster forever!

Rorshach's being tackled by the swat team, and we have priorities. (Ror's hat being blown away by Jon's voomp when he teleports Laurie to Mars is another hat-losing moment that makes me sad.)
seschat: Oh noes! Rorschach's hat fell down!

In response to my, "What bit are you at?" questions:
seschat: Right now I'm being disturbed at the fact that the supposedly smartest human in the world protects his files with the password "RAMESES II", the name of one of the four books standing on his desk.

He's a new kind of demon...
seschat: Veidt being evil = deus ex machina?
bending_sickle: *giggle* I think that title's been taken by Blue Man Jon, what with being all "God is an American". In any case, Veidt's like, the anti-deus ex machina.
seschat: ;P Diabolus ex machina.

The inevitable shipping:
seschat: If it'd be possible to ship Rorschach with anyone, I would, but mostly I just ship ADRIAN/BOYS. ;))
bending_sickle: IMMA GONNA PIMP RORSCHACH/DAN LIEK WOAH NOW. *PIMPS LIEK WOAH* And Rorschach/Dan/Laurie, on the side. And which boys are you shipping with Adrian, hmm? ;) I mean, we all know he ships Adrian/Alexander the Great, but unless he gets himself a Tardis or Jon helps him out, he ain't gettin' any.
seschat: Dan/Rorschach? Nah. ;P Alexander as Colin Farell with his boytoy as Jared Leto? ;)

And the inevitable crossover maddness:
seschat: Also, sudden craving to for dimply Papa Winchester. Did you notice how possessed!John looks just like Eddie? *makes shifty eyes*

Things take longer on the internet...
bending_sickle: Also, OMFG we took 4 hours and 45 minutes to watch a film half that long. EPIIIIIIIIC!!!

Links of the Day:

henrygalelovers's embedded Michael Emerson on The Soup - *sporfle*
Lostpedia's List of Others

mummy_daydream's Icons
TikiTyler9's Fanvid Counting Bodies Like Sheep (To The Rhythm of the War Drums) - Fucking awesome doesn't even begin to cover it.
secretlytodream's Fanvid Burden of Sacrifice
_izu_'s Art Happy Valentine's Day, Dean (Dean/Cas)
loaded_remains's My Bloody Valentine Icons - Stills and Animated
narcotic_doll's Fanvid Empty Heart
BlueDemonLily's Fanvid No More Heroes

Doctor Who:
snowgrouse's NSFW Anti-Valentine's Stick Doodles
YouTube's Doctor Who Confidential S3E13 The Valiant Quest Part 1/5

Life on Mars:
Fertree's Fanart Something's Missing
thesmallhobbit's Fic For Valentine's Day

soopie's Icons - Lost, Supernatural

theweaselking's answers to Velociraptor probability questions
get_medieval's Hard Copy Books for Sale - *grabby hands*
yeahisaiditshow's Podcast Season 3 Episode 4 - Special guest Kevin from made_of_fail_pc. Main topic: Take Responsibly For Your Own Problems, AKA Music and Video Games Did Not Cause You To Do Stupid Shit //// Violence & Gore In Mainstream Comics
Comic Northerner

* Anon., Watchmen Fic: A Boy and His Bird

comics, books, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, things: coveted, tv: life on mars, tv: behind the scenes, fandom: analysis, fandom: icons, tv: lost, fandom: fanvids, my daily life

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