Not out of accident, out of loneliness*

Jan 29, 2010 23:14

Today I signed up for a week-long ski trip with the international students, because it would be good for me to be social, and I'll never again have the opportunity for an event that cheap, and because my parents think I should.

Skiing scares the shit out of me, I'll have to say. It's the speed and the thought of falling downhill, like there's a precipice at the end of the hill and I'm just going to fall off. I can ski decently well, but it feels a bit like I'm about to freakin' die of fear.

The fear of speed is a lovely little psychological scar from the time I was riding a particular bastard of a horse who was always, every time I or anyone else rode him, somewhat psychotic in the MUST RUN NOW! sense, and that day he went completely insane and just started racing around and around and I couldn't stop him or trap him in a circle or anything, and I even seriously considered jumping off because he wouldn't stop. Eventually he did, or I got him to, or actually he decided to not jump the log I suddenly and accidentally managed to steer him into. I promptly got off, stood on wobbley legs as my instructor took the psycho for a round or two, then got back on.

The following week, another horse, Legal, who was my dearest darling (even if he stopped dead if you made him pass horses going in the opposite direction) decided to pull the same trick, albeit for a shorter amount of time. That just cemented the speed bad link in my brain.

So that's why the sensation of speed freaks me out, and why I don't quite enjoy skiing. But I've signed up and I'm going to go and hopefully make friends and have people to hang out with for a week somewhere in France. And two days after that, in March, I'm hopping over to Rome again, because I've got to experience Easter Mass with the Pope and all that jazz.

Apart from that, I've skimmed through 420 job placements in the biology section of a search page, eaten cake, watched Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and failed at life.

I was trolling through my old entries yesterday looking for stuff, when I came across the entry for March 21, 2008 and I realized, with horror and disappointment and defeatism, that I'm at the same place as that post. Almost two years later, and I'm in the same fucking corner.

Meme: Comment to this post and I will tell you a reason why I like you/love you/think you're fucking awesome.

Meme - 30 Days - Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy: GIFs. Loads of. Or as many as I can upload without a) breaking photobucket or b) losing all patience.

Jackie Earle Haley says, *eyeroll*

In Bruges says, 0.0, D:

Dean wants to smack a bitch.

Matthew Goode says, "I'm adorable!" (more here)

The Doctor says, "Someone's thinking about sex...and it's me."

Wee!Jackie Earle Haley says, "See ya!"


Day 01 → Your favorite song
Day 02 → Your favorite movie
Day 03 → Your favorite television program
Day 04 → Your favorite book
Day 05 → Your favorite quote

Coming Soon

Coming Soon:
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 → A photo you took
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 → A fictional book
Day 14 → A non-fictional book
Day 15 → A fanfic
Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 → A talent of yours
Day 20 → A hobby of yours
Day 21 → A recipe
Day 22 → A website
Day 23 → A YouTube video
Day 24 → Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 → Your day, in great detail
Day 26 → Your week, in great detail
Day 27 → This month, in great detail
Day 28 → This year, in great detail
Day 29 → Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 → Whatever tickles your fancy

Video of the Day: Craig Ferguson speaks on his past problems as an alcoholic and why he will not ridicule Britney Spears and her shaved head crisis.

image Click to view

Alternatively, a happy animated video of Nom Nom Noms.

image Click to view

Links of the Day:

lilithonearth on dean_sam's Fanvid Thunderstruck (On YouTube)

whiskerslily's Fic Stakeout (Dan, Rorschach)

dizzyknee's Picspam Sawyer/Kate
ack_attack's Top 100 Lost Quotes
dean_sam's flocked Scanned Newsweek (Feb. 1) Article on Lost (Photobucketed Scan)

Random Fandom:
heard_of_it - Obscure fandom recs.
rightonicons - Random Fandom Icons
destina's Fanvid Recs - Sherlock Holmes, Watchmen, Wall-E, Flashforward, Die Hard, Wild Wild West, White Collar
sam_storyteller's Black Books/Good Omens Crossover Fic That's Why They Call It A Gift - ♥
thedailyshow's Jon Stewart's speech for the Hope for Haiti Benefit
La Femme Nikita's The Michael Files
Good Omens Podfic - With Supernatural and Black Books crossovers
TVTropes' Vorkosigan Saga - Apparently a hilarious must-read.
Wikia: Encyclopedia Marysuenica
The Futon Critic's Human Target 1x01 Review - "First and foremost, I was surprised by the complete lack of emotional attachment to Chance. [...] In the actual pilot, we're privy to none of this and instead left with few reasons to root and/or care for Chance other than he's the hero of a TV show and that's who we're supposed to root and/or care for." THIS

marika_kailaya's Haiti relief project - "For Haiti relief, I'll be making and selling handbound, blank books inspired by Haitian vodou." ; Original Fic Such a Fucking Cliché - "you can assume this letter got lost in the chaos following his birth and her death, because meki sure as hell never read it." A heart-breaking letter from Mother.
wtf_humans' Rape victim whiplashed for conceiving. What's worse, the rapist has been pardoned.
IKEA Lamp Commercial - May just break your heart.
XKCD's Comic Spirit
Wiki's Chemical Castration
National Wildlife's 2009 Photo Contest
StCustards' The Private Life of the Gerund
Regular Paracord Survival Bracelet - For the zombiepocalypse!

* "Loneliness is Better When You're Not Alone", Hello Saferide (listen to it)

people: crazy, comics, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, wildlife, movies: watchmen, things: bought, news, fandom: picspam, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, books, memes, photographs, things: coveted, fandom: scans, tv, fandom: icons, fandom: crossover, tv: lost, tv: clips

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