Your turn doctor! Tell me, what do you see?*

Jan 21, 2010 17:52

I haven't done anything today. And I mean that in the most literal way possible without being catatonic. The only thing I've managed to do is make lunch (barely) and somewhat follow what the words on the screen that I'm reading mean and what the moving images and sounds are trying to convey. Coherent thoughts have not been achieved.

I've got dance class starting at 7 again, which the current me cannot even fathom being able to do. I guess I'll get dressed soon and go and be there early just for the hell of it.

Now my head hurts and I'm mopey and I've not done shite all day and this is not helping at all and I'm a bit apprehensive about going outside and I don't want to start thinking and I don't even know what I want or what I can do and I might as well just curl up in a corner.

I did talk to my dad yesterday. It's funny (in a sad wet weasel sort of way) that my relationship with my dad is so much better over the phone, and especially when my mom's not there (because then dad'll just pass me off to her). I mean, civil conversations and sharing and caring and all! The first day I tried to find some sort of job and panicked and cried all day, I talked and vented to him, and it was nice. Why can't this happen face-to-face? Like, I have this conditioned response in his presence to freak out and rage, but over the phone, it's like, Daddy!

In other news, I cannot watch Watchmen's prison-shrink scene without ranting and raving at the psychologist's utter, utter fail. (One day, I might even write the fail down. Because there is so. much. fail. And I'm not even a psychologist, much less a trained and licensed maximum-security-prison criminal psychologist.) Which leads me to the crack desire to see Clarisse of Silence of the Lambs interview Rorschach. At least she'd do a better job.

In related news, I watched Dollhouse's next-to-last episode ever (die, Fox) and had the crack desire to have Rorschach find out about the Dollhouse and rant about it. Because I'm obsessed (yes, we know) I like his moral rants.

I neither have the skills nor the knowledge to write either of these, and they're so cracked out and random in what I'm finding to be a relatively-small fandom that I can't just hope they'll already exist. And it's not the sort of thing you can ask for in a kink it?

Meme of the Day: Fan Fiction Personality Test

Your result for The Fan Fiction Personality Test...
The Mindgamer

Everything is possible, nothing is ever really over.

Fanfiction is a creative outlet for you. You don't intentionally write it, it just happens. You find inspiration in several fandoms, but are not obsessed with only one.

You like to explore "what if" situations. What if this character had never made this very choice? What if this event had taken place sooner, never, elsewhere? What if these people had never met?

You are likely to write Alternative Universes, fan seasons or sequels and just follow your (sometimes pretty strange) plot bunnies.

Take The Fan Fiction Personality Test at OkCupid

Video of the Day: Hello Saferide "25 Days" - I think I love this band!

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Links of the Day:

Watchmen's Hot Gay Romances (You Never Knew About) (NSFW) - Except you totally do know about them, because Rule 34 and come on, the slash makes itself.
Viral Marketing: The Keene Act and You (1977) ; Keene Act Radio Broadcast
Dave Gibbons answers some of the most pressing fan questions about the comic and dishes details of his Watchmen movie screening

Doctor Who:
snowgrouse's NSFW (!!!) Fanart: Ten/Master
tennant_love's flocked David Tennant, Perfect Gentleman - National Television Awards
chloris67's Picspam David Tennant Photoshoots
lizbee's Fanvid Rock Stars
miss_jaffacake's Icons Nevermind the Buzzcocks, Tennant's Episode (23x12)

Life on Mars:
evil_demandred's Fanfic Some Days Nothing Goes Right

cha_fics's Fanfic Masterpost You Broke It, You Fix It

Random Fandom:
amplificathon's Podfic Recs: The Long Haul: Great Long Stories that are Worth Every Second, Podfic That Changes the Way You Experience the Story, Freeform!: Guys Do It Too ; Podfic Rec: Five People Who Got Me through Renovating ; 5 stories that get me in the emotions ; SGA Podfic, Nantucket AU
Thatguywiththeglasses' Twlight: New Moon Review ; Top 25 Movie Fights ; Top Ten movies of the Year ; Worst Films of the Decade

ursulav's On the disposal of unsold books. - A book is not a puppy.
blizzardcake's Embed: Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing ; link to Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait
oakenguy's embeddd Music Video (of Awesome) - "D says "Make sure to tell people they need to wait past the first minute, which was a little boring, so they get to the awesome part". Folks, you're told."
theweaselking's GIF: Cat in bathtub panic ; Pic: Do you ever get the feeling you're being followed? ; Do not obey this sign if you want to live. ; GIF: Serval Attack! - Who the fuck owns a serval?!? Endangered species, hello? ; Pic: I can't sleep ; A brief story, told in pictures: Dog, Mother Squirrel and Baby Squirrel
wtf_inc's NOT SAFE FOR WORK: Spider Sex - sarisynn: My exact reaction: "Oh my JESUS, what the FUCK."
George W. Hat's Mathematically Correct Breakfast: How to Slice a Bagel into Two Linked Halves
India Times' 13-year-old kills 3-year-old girl and has sex with her corpse.

* Rorschach, Watchmen

actors: david tennant, people: crazy, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, wildlife, movies: watchmen, art, news, fandom: picspam, movies: reviews, lj users: ursulav, emotion: waa!, fandom: fanvids, music: vids, family, books, memes, tv: doctor who, tv: life on mars, movies, fandom: icons, my crack metaphors, movies: trailers

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