So some of y'all may remember how I wrote a novel way back in November and, having done so, I got this promotional code so that I could get a proof copy of my book for free.
Ladies and gentlemen, the squee has arrived!
The book's currently across the Atlantic at my brother's place - I didn't want to chance the free transport being anti-cross-continental, although in retrospect I shouldn't have worried. He's going to send it, though, which is awesome. (Why he didn't send me more pictures, I have no idea. Blame him!)
Also, I chose the cover from one of their templates because I a) didn't have photographs of a sufficient high-quality and b) I wasn't about the mess around with Photoshop to make one. I also smished my last name, because, well, this is the internet.
In other news, I've finished updating my CV and sent it off to my dearest muffin
poisoned_sleep who's going to be awesome and point and laugh suggest corrections. Tomorrow, the job hunt commences! There is no squee! Argh!
Tomorrow I also have a doctor's appointment (My face! What's happened to my face?!?) and I really ought to poke at Willy again. I emailed her, but haven't heard back, which makes for a sad Sickle. I also contacted with Gabrielle, suggesting coffee, which she accepted, but no details have been set. I only have her phone number, so I texted her my email so that we could go over the when-and-wheres without sending a thousand texts and getting poor, but I haven't heard from her. So I shall phone. *nods*
Links of the Day:
ashdoode's Fanvid
God's Gonna Cut You Downspn_postcards' Picspam
Season 5 Postcard Wall Pictures - Part 2The Winchester Family's
Quoting Supernatural Doctor Who:
tennant_love's flocked
End of Time Part 1 and 2 Commentariesqthewetsprocket's
Reasons why John Simm is to be adored, numbers 398-642hystericblue42's Review
David Tennant in the RSC's Hamletdraykonis'
Doctor and Master sketches of guhcaz963's
I'm sad and owning up to it :( - Lovely post on saying goodbye to Ten and hello to Eleven.
Superherogirlcat's Doctor Who Comic
Shadows and Roses Part 1 ; Doctor Who Comic
WTDM, Page 37David Tennant in
Love in the 21st Century: Reproduction (Part 1 of 3) - Holy sex scene, Batman!
LOST TOP 10: Go-to Moves Random:
Worst Earthquake in 200 Years: Haiti Earthquake: Capitol Shattered By 7.0 Tremblergreygirlbeast's
44 new non-avian dinosaur genera* were named from fossils around the world - With poster of win.
* Interesting Times, TPratchett