You aren't gonna say you have a bad feeling about this, are you?*

Nov 23, 2009 23:15

Life: Shitty. Thesis progress appreciable but hardly enough. Food in the house, null.

Nano: Working on it, yo. Officially has a Star Wars quote.

Meme of the Day: From phantmgreeneyes

I has 5 questions. if you want 5 questions, you just give me a little cuddle and I'll give you 5 questions of your very own!

1) If you were to die tomorrow, what would your last meal be? - BBQ Babyback ribs with coleslaw. It's a dish I love and sadly get to have about once a year, at most.

2)Out of everyone on your master list of crushes, who would you most like to sleep with? - Real person: Misha Collins, Character: Dean Winchester. They're both the current crushes, what can I say? And if I had to pick between those two, I'd go for Misha, 'cause Dean's got serious issues and I'd rather not risk those. (Dean gets the pie, though.)

3)What's your favorite episode of Doctor Who and why? - I suck at deciding on favorites and haven't done a full re-watch of New Doctor Who. But off the top of my head, Human Nature/The Family of Blood (John Smith ♥), The Sound of Drums/Last of the Timelords (The Master ♥), Blink and The Unicorn and the Wasp (Donna ♥) spring out as favorites.

4)What is your NNWM novel about? - Chip, an accountant from Seattle, takes to the road when the apocalypse begins and makes his way past people who've been infected by something that turns them into murderous monsters. In Kansas City, he reluctantly joins up with Saunders, a widowed grandfather, and his neighbour's daughter Agatha. There's one other person in the building, a man dying from wounds that cannot be explained by his fall through the roof, whom Agatha believes to be an angel. (Translation: Zombiepocalypse, antisocial PTSD main character and secondary characters, including a fallen angel.)

5)What is your favorite method of procrastination? - Livejournal surfing, mainly for fic, icons or meta, as well as watching old episodes of The Daily Show

Quote of the Day: Geraldine McCaughrean, The White Darkness, here
It's true: Everyone needs a reason to stay alive- someone who justifies your existence. Someone who loves you. Not beyond all reason. Just loves you. Even just shows an interest. Even someone who doesn't exist, or isn't yours. No, no! They don't even have to love you! They just have to be there to love! Target for your arrows. Magnetic pole to drag on your compass needle and stop it spinning and spinning and tell you where you're heading and...Someone to soak up all the yearning.

Links of the Day:

asmothesly's Fanvid Evil Angel
ashdoodle's Fanvid Broken (Barely Breathing ; Jo/Dean)
iwantpie's "Fallen Idol" Icons
me_obviously's Meta The Angels' Swords
talulababy's Animated Mood Theme

Eddie Izzard gives private peerformance to terror victim

* Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: A New Hope

actors: eddie izzard, fandom: analysis, tv: supernatural, memes, fandom: fanvids, nanowrimo

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